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Which Game Boy library is the best ? My opinion the original.

Posted: January 30th, 2014, 2:28 pm
by Oltobaz1
I can't decide between the original and the GBA, they're both incredible, depending if you're after an 8 bit or a 16/32 bit fix. As for the GB Colour, it's definitely not as memorable, for the exact reasons JWK mentioned.

Which Game Boy library is the best ? My opinion the original.

Posted: January 30th, 2014, 6:05 pm
by Rev1
I still consider the NDS and 3DS as part of the game boy line. They changed the name, so what? It is still a Nintendo handheld which is what I think of when I hear game boy.

Which Game Boy library is the best ? My opinion the original.

Posted: February 1st, 2014, 12:46 am
by HardcoreSadism1
GBA was pretty awesome but I don't think its ceiling has truly been hit- it's more powerful than the button layout or graphics lead you to believe!

But, playing a monochrome GameBoy is unbeatable, you get fantastic battery life at its fullest prime, and every game has a strong classic feel....

I also have the Game Boy Light :3

Which Game Boy library is the best ? My opinion the original.

Posted: February 1st, 2014, 6:56 pm
by VideoGameCritic
One thing you guys miss is that I need to play some bad Game Boy games as well so I can figure out the "range" of the system.

Which Game Boy library is the best ? My opinion the original.

Posted: February 1st, 2014, 7:09 pm
by darkrage61
Well you can't get much worse then Mortal Kombat 3 on Game Boy.  Other bad GB games are Terminator 2, Batman: Return Of The Joker and The Amazing Spiderman.

Which Game Boy library is the best ? My opinion the original.

Posted: February 2nd, 2014, 5:37 am
by Sut1
I enjoyed Return of the Joker back in the day. I'll have to track it down to see if nostalgia is clouding my judgement.

Which Game Boy library is the best ? My opinion the original.

Posted: February 3rd, 2014, 3:02 pm
by Blueguy1
THE Game Boy Advance. Hands down. One of the greatest libraries in video game history, backwards compatibility. Actually, I would vote the Game Boy Advance SP because of the lighting feature. So much nostalgia, need to go back and play those games again!

Which Game Boy library is the best ? My opinion the original.

Posted: February 4th, 2014, 10:25 pm
by Segatarious1
I agree with Sut - the original had more original games.

The GBA is not as impressive as it used to be - it was once a big deal to have SNES games on the go - now you take it for granted. Heck, I got 20 FREE classic games for my 3DS cause I bought it at launch - much more for free than I would otherwise invest in cartridge ports for GBA.

And for original games, Gameboy whups GBA. Link's Awakening GB is far superior to the Capcom developed 'paint by the numbers' Minish Cap GBA, for example.

Which Game Boy library is the best ? My opinion the original.

Posted: February 5th, 2014, 12:24 am
by HardcoreSadism1
[QUOTE=darkrage6]Well you can't get much worse then Mortal Kombat 3 on Game Boy.  Other bad GB games are Terminator 2, Batman: Return Of The Joker and The Amazing Spiderman.[/QUOTE]

While almost everything about MK3 on the Game Boy was terrible, it managed to be a LOT better than a fully colored Master System port of Mortal Kombat 3! A particular fan on Youtube phrased an unspeakable word in frustration; and he /never/ used such language after frustration.

If you want worthwhile bad games, the Original Gameboy is Main Street.

Which Game Boy library is the best ? My opinion the original.

Posted: February 5th, 2014, 2:23 pm
by TheLastNightmare1
GBA. We can argue over who had the best games forever, and it'll all come down to individual taste. But if you had to play through the entire library?

A bad Gameboy Advance title is usually either unfinished, uninspired and by the numbers, or ugly as Hell due to the 32 polygons on screen sharing 128 cat sized pixels between them. Either way, it's usually playable and has a basic understanding of "fun". Someone in a parallel universe where the best games never existed could still, in theory, enjoy themselves. 

Few classic systems set the bar that high.

On the original Gameboy, a bad game usually means my T-Rex stepped on an ant, and the ant won. It means that the 3d games used an enhanced Pong graphics engine to display their worlds, and as the CPU calculated each frame, you could hear a tiny voice inside cursing and crumbling up paper. It means that Double Dragon III exists - an arcade port so bad, that it makes Double Dragon III look good, and Double Dragon III was a game so bad, that they expected you to pay real money for weapons and special moves, just so you wouldn't be bored to death. Also, the programmers couldn't figure out how to smoothly move a character around on the screen without frames skipping. Technically, that problem shouldn't even be possible on arcade hardware, unless there was a secret workstation in the back, and a miniature drunken fraternity playing deathmatch on another game completely. I mean, I don't know anything about programming at all, but there are people on the internet who manage to program decent sprites for their erotic race war fantasies, through the power of sheer hate alone - being evil and stupid isn't an excuse.

Then there's the GBC. It's worst games aren't bad, so much as they aren't really games. Even today, veterinary students will give a few licensed titles to animals they're about to put to sleep, and then wait for their victims to beg for the right to administer the shots themselves.