Genesis Hard Drivin'

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Genesis Hard Drivin'

Postby matmico399 » April 15th, 2018, 4:04 pm

I think the Critic was a little harsh with the review of this, a D-. Certainly it has not aged well. But I remember after I first bought my Genesis I was enthralled with this game back in the early 90's. The first polygonal racer. At the time the graphics were very cutting edge and pretty amazing. Yes the frame rate is obv bad now. But at the time I was blown away. An arcade game on my home console! I'm playing it now and I still think it's fun and super challenging. That stunt track is crazy! It may be mostly nostalgia, but I still pop this in a few times a month to see how far I can get. Not too far as usual on the stunt track.

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