Commodore 64: 4th & Inches, Raid Over Moscow

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Commodore 64: 4th & Inches, Raid Over Moscow

Postby VideoGameCritic » September 27th, 2013, 6:12 pm

Here's a pair of irreverent new C64 reviews by the C64 Critic.
What do you think?

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Commodore 64: 4th & Inches, Raid Over Moscow

Postby NewModelArmy1 » September 27th, 2013, 6:58 pm

Nothing gets the nostalgia bug going for me like the C64. The reviews are great although I would put 4th and inches in the B category. I played that game for hours along with Raid Over Moscow. Have been contemplating getting a C64 system off Ebay for years but simply would not have the time to enjoy it anyway. Keep the reviews coming.

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Commodore 64: 4th & Inches, Raid Over Moscow

Postby Teddybear1 » September 27th, 2013, 7:22 pm

I enjoyed the honest review of 4th & Inches.  When I say "honest" it is simply because this is one of those games where my wonderful memories of being a teenager playing it against my friends clouds the truth - the game is pretty good but not great.  Make no mistake, we were in AWE of this game when it first came out (or I should say when one of my buddies got his grubby hands on a copied disk in late '87).  This was cutting-edge stuff to us....

The C-64 Critic is right about the grade bump for two-player action.  I still play this one on occasion as a solo player and the CPU leaves a lot to be desired.  Sometimes I'll deliberately let the computer get a 14-0 lead in the beginning to handicap the game.

I did acquire the 4th & Inches Team Construction disk not too long ago.  It is a cool enhancement to name your players and dictate their strengths (Stafford passes to C.Johnson.......TOUCHDOWN!).  My biggest complaint is that there is no statistical compilation.  You see the player's name and yardage every passing or rushing play - why couldn't Accolade have had these stats tallied for viewing as a feature?

Always a treat to see some Commodore 64 love!!!

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Commodore 64: 4th & Inches, Raid Over Moscow

Postby Rev1 » September 28th, 2013, 3:38 am

Finally! Some C64 reviews. It's been a while. These were a lot of fun. I know absolutely zero when it comes to the C64 so I always enjoy these honest reviews. Keep 'em coming.

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Commodore 64: 4th & Inches, Raid Over Moscow

Postby TheLastNightmare1 » September 28th, 2013, 4:33 am

The review of Raid Over Moscow is part time machine and part white water rapids stream of consciousness comedy. Not always the easiest read, (I need to look up the Sting reference) the propaganda and gameplay deconstruction flow together brilliantly - it's probably my favorite review on the entire site.

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Commodore 64: 4th & Inches, Raid Over Moscow

Postby C64_Critic1 » September 29th, 2013, 10:12 am

Glad to hear at least a few folks out there still have an interest in the old Bread Box! It's flattering to hear at least someone feels one of these is the best review on the site, and I wish I could take credit for it but the truth is the Critic takes my reviews and edits them before publishing so all credit goes to him. I'm no English major, and without the Critic acting as a go-between my reviews would probably spew. In any case, again, glad you enjoyed them and feel free to shoot me any particular comments/questions about these or other games you'd like. Left to my own devices, my reviews would span two full pages or more so I usually have lots more to say about these games than make it into my reviews.

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Commodore 64: 4th & Inches, Raid Over Moscow

Postby VideoGameCritic » September 29th, 2013, 10:32 am

I think what makes the Raid Over Moscow review work so well is because it's almost like a parody of the game itself.  Glad to see the irony was not lost on readers.  

This review makes me think I need to try to incorporate a little more imagination into my reviews.  It's easy to get tunnel-vision when you've been doing this as long as I have.

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Commodore 64: 4th & Inches, Raid Over Moscow

Postby scotland171 » September 29th, 2013, 8:24 pm

Oh wow - awesome memories of Raid over Moscow. Just brings back memories of 99 luft balloons while shelling the frikkin' Kremlin from that convenient little wall with your personal rpg. - "To Breschnev, with love". And yeah, you blow up buses for positive points! That would explain why it never got a Nintendo port.

Superb review really invoking the feel of the day. So much C64 fun with a joystick and a single button. Beach Head II was an awesome similar C64 game with the same feel (and no stupid discs of tron part). Still remember the audio while gunning down the approaching soldiers dashing between walls. And those soldiers you were blithely machine gunning? They were the *good* guys! 'Follow me men!' right into the valley of death courtesy of you, Mr Dictator.

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Commodore 64: 4th & Inches, Raid Over Moscow

Postby ActRaiser1 » September 30th, 2013, 10:45 am

Yeah, I got to say I really enjoyed reading the Raid Over Moscow review.  Good stuff.  And I'm definitely more of a fan of the humor side of things in the reviews.  They make them more personable and less static and drab.  For that I can go to IGN.  Good reviews.

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Commodore 64: 4th & Inches, Raid Over Moscow

Postby FinalLapTwinkie1 » October 5th, 2013, 1:36 am

Great to read some C64 reviews. Always loved the disc throwing in Raid Over Moscow.

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