Video Games That Allow You to Commit Acts of Violence Against Your Friends...

General and high profile video game topics.
GameBoy Girl

Video Games That Allow You to Commit Acts of Violence Against Your Friends...

Postby GameBoy Girl » June 1st, 2009, 4:08 pm

It seems like the "good guy" and "bad guy" just aren't cutting it any more.  People want "moral complexity".  They want good guys who do bad things.

That's why some games give you the option.

Remember this part in The Goonies II game?

That's right.  They put a defenseless eskimo or a barely mobile old man in front of you.  And they give you the option to hit them.  And I'm sure you will.  Why?  Because you're evil.

But my personal, all-time favorite "tough decision" was in Tokimeki Check-In!:

Damn these Japanese hentai games and their morally-complex decisions!  Why don't they give the player some other options, like "drug Ayumi" or "wait until Ayumi is asleep"?  Seriously, though.  I wonder how many people chose the second option.  If you choose the first, Ayumi won't marry you (what's that?  You don't want to marry the guy that raped you?  I can't imagine why.)

Can you think of any games that actually allow you to attack your friends?

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