Latest Reviews

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2024/10/12: Playstation 4: Grim Fandango Remastered, Resident Evil 4

I'm always up for some scary games, but on the Lynx?! How could I possibly resist?? LynxJam 2021: Let's Make Something Scary is a collection of six mini-games with a macabre theme.

The first, Banana Ghost, is about as scary as...
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2024/10/8: Lynx: LynxJam 2021: Let's Make Something Scary

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2024/10/5: Sega Genesis: Battletech, Eliminate Down

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2024/10/1: Super Nintendo: First Samurai, Wildsnake

It's been ten full years since the last college football game, NCAA Football 14 (Xbox 360, 2014), which has since become a highly sought-after collector's item. Electronic Arts had to halt the series due to litigation concerns regarding use...
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2024/9/28: Playstation 5: College Football 25

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2024/9/26: Atari 5200: Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom, Congo Bongo

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2024/9/21: Playstation: Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha, Street Fighter EX2 Plus

I enjoy collecting PC-Engine Japanese imports and was told that Ginga Fukei Densetsu Sapphire was one of the very best. An original copy was well out of my price range but I could swing a reproduction. When I tried loading the CD in my Turbo Duo...
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2024/9/19: Turbografx-16: Ginga Fukei Densetsu Sapphire (Japan)

2024/9/16: Sega Saturn: Gale Racer (Japan)

2024/9/14: Neo Geo: Aggressors of Dark Kombat

2024/9/11: Playstation 4: Layers of Fear (Guest Review), Song of Horror (Guest Review)

2024/9/9: Commodore 64: Dino Eggs

2024/9/7: Atari Jaguar: Flashback

2024/9/5: Lynx: Battlezone 2000

2024/9/3: Atari 2600: Backgammon, Realsports Volleyball

2024/9/2: Playstation 4: Subnautica (Guest Review)

2024/8/31: Sega Genesis: Socket, Pete Sampras Tennis

All games reviewed on original hardware unless otherwise noted.
Latest review count: 5970
Latest system count: 56
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