All Commodore reviews were submitted by special VGC correspondent The C64 Critic
Obviously built using the same engine as Beach-Head, the game progresses in the same linear, mini-game fashion. The first task is to pilot one or more stealth fighters out of the space station. It's no small feat considering you're attempting to maneuver a machine not designed to operate in an airless, zero-G environment. After flying down to the offending city, you launch into a Zaxxon-like side-scrolling attack on the locals. You'll destroy military grade targets like oil fields, tanks, missiles, and... is that the NFL Hall of Fame?!
School buses desperately try to escape the Hell you're raining down from above. TAKE THAT YOU EVIL 5th GRADERS!! What's that? The Russians love their children too? Big words for a man who stabbed the back of the band that launched his career, Sting! Anyway, assuming you survive you'll be presented with a new screen where you must destroy missile silos with well-aimed shots at just the proper altitude (much easier than it sounds).
You'll go through this process X number of times depending on the difficulty setting, and eventually attack the Soviet Defense Center. You'll then get to experience the joy every child dreams of; launching rocket propelled grenades at the Kremlin! You'll pick off Ivan Drago wanna-bees sniping at you from the walls before entering the core of the nuclear reactor (within the Kremlin).
You then do your best Tron imitation by flinging "disk grenades" at the robot feeding coolant into the reactor. Once these tasks are complete you have 2 minutes to destroy the boss. If you do, great, the city is destroyed but you somehow survive. If you fail, at least you've given everything you could in order to preserve our way of life, just like a good soldier should! In either event, Moscow is toast and America wins. Just like real life. © Copyright 2013 The Video Game Critic.
The Bungeling empire is spread over several islands and your main targets are factories that slowly expand and develop tougher defenses over time. Damaged factories will actually "heal" over time. Defending the factories are anti-aircraft guns, tanks, guided missiles, gunboats, and other aircraft. These are destructible by gunfire or bombs, which leads to a major sticking point.
Most joysticks circa 1984 had a single button, and in this game it serves four different functions! You hit the button quickly to fire your machine gun and hold it for a half-second to drop a bomb. You hit it quickly to land on your carrier and hit it quickly to take back off. Can you guess how many times I accidentally bombed my own carrier because of this control scheme?
Occasionally you'll need to protect your carrier against direct attack from the empire forces. If destroyed it will take your remaining extra choppers down with it to Davy Jones' locker. A fun sub-plot of the game is preventing the Bungelings from completing work on a massive battleship that slowly takes shape over the course of the game. You can bomb it in dry-dock to undo some of the progress or wait until it gets completed and then blow it out of the water - my favorite tactic! It's tough as heck to take out, but it feels extra satisfying knowing all the hard work those Bungelings put into that project.
Raid on Bungeling Bay begins at a leisurely pace but the gameplay becomes quite frenetic as the defenses get stronger and more enemies get thrown your way. Destroy all six factories and you're treated to a newspaper article celebrating your heroics and a quick animation of a ticker tape parade held in your honor. After that it's back to the carrier for another round - no rest for the heroic! You keep playing until you lose all your helicopters, with a high score saved to floppy for future bragging rights. Bright, colorful, and innovative, Raid on Bungeling Bay is a must-own for all C64 enthusiasts! © Copyright 2016 The Video Game Critic.
Like the Tom Clancy novel of the same name, Red Storm puts you in command of a nuclear sub sent on missions to counteract Soviet hostilities in the European theater. The success or failure will impact NATO's effort to turn back the Soviet juggernaut. Succeed and watch cut-scenes of NATO grabbing the upper hand. Fail and watch the Soviet boot stomp its way ever westward.
Graphically and audibly simple, this game focuses on simulating the true experience of commanding a sub in the north Atlantic against a technologically inferior (but numerically superior) foe. No offense to my buddy Ryan, who spent four grueling years at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis and eight follow-on years perfecting his submarining skills at sea, but he could have saved himself ALL that mess by simply putting a few solid hours into RSR.
Packed with a military-style guide, the massive tome explains not just the gameplay mechanics but provides detailed information on advanced submarining skills like torpedo evasion, running silently at depth, and setting your enemy up for the perfect kill. There's also a keyboard overlay to help you with commands in the heat of battle. A database of weapons, subs, and ships rounds out the information you'll need to successfully "stalk the Bear".
Part of the game is played on an overhead map of Europe and the North Atlantic, where your sub and listening platforms are shown as icons. On this map you'll move to intercept the assigned enemy, be it sub and/or surface fleet. The screen then switches to a tactical screen where the REAL action takes place. Move above or below the thermal layer, stick with passive sensors or go "active", increase or decrease speed, and dodge enemy "fish" as they home in on you - sometimes from an enemy unseen.
It's intense, it's exciting, and few accomplishments feel as hard-won and satisfying as taking out a Soviet aircraft carrier fleet - and getting away scot-free. Putin can have the Crimean peninsula, but he'd better think twice about sojourning very far from his Atlantic Fleet bases or he'll have ME to deal with. © Copyright 2014 The Video Game Critic.
Fast forward (back) to the year 2000, you and a small crew of misfits are scraping by to survive. You travel by vehicle from city to city, occasionally fighting other road gangs and local factions. During these encounters you're given the option of "fast combat" or tactical battles. After choosing the tactical option once, I went strictly fast combat the rest of the way. Beat the local faction often enough and your gang (I named mine the Ala Ohana) is given the opportunity to take over the city.
I’m not sure what benefit taking over cities actually does for you, but I do it whenever I’m given the option. Along the way you’ll loot food, fuel, medicine, and other staples to keep your gang alive and on the move. You can also recruit doctors, drill sergeants, politicians, that confer benefits like helping your gang members level up faster (drill sergeant) or avoiding excessive conflict (politicians).
Eventually you’re given a password to a secret underground lab, and once you find it you’re on the hook to locate eight scientists who have the knowledge for a vaccine to save humanity. No pressure or anything! I began Roadwar 2000 expecting it to be a D, but once I found my groove I thought it was a solid B+. Now that I’ve gotten the lay of the land I'm thinking C+.
It’s tough sledding to get started, but once you find that perfect balance of vehicles and gang members to maraude around the country with, it’s a good time. Once I started collecting scientists however it turned into a repetitive series of fetch quests that rely heavily on chance. I don’t think my floppy drive has ever gotten such a workout, with the game accessing the disk for every little menu selection.
Currently I’ve rescued three scientists to go with my six-vehicle convoy and 170 gang members. The idea of grinding to find the remaining five would be a bit of a quarantine killer. I've gone through 52 towns/cities out of 120, and I don’t think I have another 6-8 hours in me. It was a fun 20-or-so hours thus far, but all I can see on the road ahead is monotony. © Copyright 2020 The Video Game Critic.
There are four POW's to rescue, one at the end of each stage, and if you can reach them all you're a better soldier than I. While not excessively hard, I found myself suffering a lot of what I considered to be cheap deaths. First off, who's the Commanding Officer in charge of planning this infiltration? This game exemplifies why you never bring a knife to a gunfight, because that's exactly the situation you're put into here - with predictable results!
Sure, you can capture enemy arms as you go, but like the grenades in Commando, you must hit the space bar to use any alternate weapons. While the action is not as frantic as Commando, it's still in your best interest to stick with your knife attack. When you lose your final life the game forces you to sit through a musical number that seems to last about 90 minutes. Why not just let me start over for crying out loud!?
I really thought I would enjoy playing this throwback to the good old Cold War days (the threat of nuclear annihilation was much more fun during the Reagan years) but I found myself more annoyed than entertained. Graphically Rush 'n Attack is sharper and more colorful than either Commando or Who Dares Wins II, but in terms of gameplay it was my least favorite. © Copyright 2016 The Video Game Critic.
[A] [B] [C] [D-J] [K-Q] R [S] [T-Z]
Screen shots courtesy of Video Game Museum,,, Old Games Club, Lemon 64,, C64 Preservation Project, Gamebase 64, Hooked Gamers, My Abandonware, Stadium 64, Games Database, Retroplace
All Commodore reviews were submitted by special VGC correspondent The C64 Critic