Dreamcast Keyboard

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Dreamcast Keyboard

Postby VideoGameCritic » January 14th, 2025, 8:22 pm

When Sudz came over today we had the opportunity to drag out the Sega Dreamcast keyboard. It was because we were reviewing Hidden and Dangerous, a PC port.

He was cracking up when he read the sticker on the back of the keyboard that says "for home or office use". Who in the world is going to take this into the office!? It has a Dreamcast plug!!

Anyway, beside Typing of the Dead, what other Dreamcast games use the keyboard??

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Re: Dreamcast Keyboard

Postby Stalvern » January 14th, 2025, 9:03 pm

Quake III and probably any other FPS.

I don't understand your other question. Are your coworkers not checking their emails on the Dreamcast browser?

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Re: Dreamcast Keyboard

Postby Anchoa79 » January 15th, 2025, 9:25 am

Unreal Tournament
ChuChu Rocket
Soldiers of Fortune....

There are many games, in segaretro.org you have a complete list.

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Re: Dreamcast Keyboard

Postby ActRaiser » January 15th, 2025, 12:42 pm

I used it for Phantasy Star Online with the broadband adapter.

Swell times

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Re: Dreamcast Keyboard

Postby Breaker » January 24th, 2025, 8:42 am

I've always wondered about this...

The Dreamcast has both a keyboard and a mouse. Would it be possible to "copy" 90s era DOS/PC games (thinking specifically Sierra-style games) onto a Dreamcast compatible disc and play them on the DC?

I say "copy" because I'm no programmer, and I'm certain there would be some formatting (at the least) or coding, especially for booting the game up, to actually work. But I would think someone talented in that world could do it.

Probably not much demand for this, but I would love it.

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Re: Dreamcast Keyboard

Postby ActRaiser » January 24th, 2025, 9:16 am

Breaker wrote:I've always wondered about this...

The Dreamcast has both a keyboard and a mouse. Would it be possible to "copy" 90s era DOS/PC games (thinking specifically Sierra-style games) onto a Dreamcast compatible disc and play them on the DC?

I say "copy" because I'm no programmer, and I'm certain there would be some formatting (at the least) or coding, especially for booting the game up, to actually work. But I would think someone talented in that world could do it.

Probably not much demand for this, but I would love it.

All those old games use what's called the ScummVM engine/program. I searched for Dreamcast and ScummVM and lo and behold someone has done exactly what you're requesting.

Here's a Youtube video showing it working with 10 games.


The comments in the Youtube suggest everything is available on https://www.dreamcast-talk.com/forum/

That's as far down that rabbit hole I'm going, but very cool none the less.

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Re: Dreamcast Keyboard

Postby Breaker » January 25th, 2025, 3:57 pm

Thank you! That's pretty cool. I figured it was possible, but I'm not really into emulation so I didn't know how it was done. Might have to mess around with this a bit.

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