ClayFighter (SNES)

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ClayFighter (SNES)

Postby VideoGameCritic » January 11th, 2025, 2:39 pm

I'm currently in the process of (re)reviewing my various ClayFighter games. I actually have four:

Clayfighter (SNES)
Clayfighter Tournament Edition (SNES)
Clayfighter 2 (SNES)
Clayfighter 63 1/3 (N64)

I think that's all of them. Anyway before I post my reviews I'd like to hear from you guys about your impressions of these games.

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Re: ClayFighter (SNES)

Postby Stalvern » January 11th, 2025, 3:52 pm

Tournament Edition is the only one that actually pulls the gimmick off. I'm surprised that the existing review doesn't mention that it replaces the original game's pixel backgrounds with the clay ones it obviously should have had from the beginning; this at least should have been worth a letter grade's difference between them.

ClayFighter 2 is more of the same but much, much uglier for some reason, like the devs just forgot how to digitize photographs between 1994 and 1995. I guess there's a bit of novelty value there, and it's not like there's any other reason the series exists.

There is another one on the N64, Sculptor's Cut. It's a minor upgrade to 63 1/3 that was only available as a rental and is extremely expensive today.

Any chance of a Claymates review at some point? I thought that game was decent enough, although I haven't played it in a very long time.

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Re: ClayFighter (SNES)

Postby Zack Burner » January 11th, 2025, 6:18 pm

I have some fond memories of playing Clayfighter mostly playing Taffy since he most likely resembles Gumby (damn it!) even beating the game with him, followed by Ichybod Clay. I think this game hasn't stood the test of time like Donkey Kong Country or Primal Rage in terms of graphics/animations and definitely in gameplay stiff compared to Street Fighter II or Mortal Kombat. I'd even play Brutal Paws of Fury over this. Fun for a while but gets old quickly.

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Re: ClayFighter (SNES)

Postby MaverickMoPete » January 12th, 2025, 5:22 am

"Ladies and gentlemen! Here are the combatants for this extravaganza! The Video Game Critic versus The ClayFighter series!"

Honestly, the only ClayFighter game I played was the original, both the Genesis and SNES Versions. And in my opinion, if you look past the unique art style, what you have here is just another one-on-one fighting game that were a dime a dozen in the 90s.

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Re: ClayFighter (SNES)

Postby noah98 » January 12th, 2025, 7:43 am

I have a complete copy of Sculpter's Cut, which is quite valuable now. There are actually fairly substantial upgrades in that version. Thanks Blockbuster! I had a lot of fun with Tournament Edition on Snes as well back in the day.

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Re: ClayFighter (SNES)

Postby Anchoa79 » January 13th, 2025, 9:28 am

I love Bad Mr. Frosty, but the games are just average.

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Re: ClayFighter (SNES)

Postby ActRaiser » January 13th, 2025, 11:03 am

I loved the graphics but the play control felt off. My guess is you'll rate them a D. But, considering what else was available it's probably a C- to D+. It had lots of style and looked good, but that's about it.

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