Star Wars Episode One Racer (N64)

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Star Wars Episode One Racer (N64)

Postby Retrology » October 14th, 2016, 6:49 pm

Just got this game yesterday and it's amazing!!!

It's basically 25 tracks based on the racing scene from Phantom Menace, and it's aged really well. There's no power ups or boosts but the game is really fun regardless because of the scenery, fast speeds, alternate routes, and natural looking tracks. It's challenging but never frustrating, and the tracks themselves are spectacular.

I love this game so much so far. Any thoughts?

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Re: Star Wars Episode One Racer (N64)

Postby scotland » October 14th, 2016, 9:53 pm

Congrats on getting this game! Its one of my favorite racers. Get the RAM expansion if you don't have it already.

Its a game that apparently only good okay ratings at the time, but its still fun today - and can't play it on your Playstation.

I just played the arcade version for the first time a few weeks ago. Very different controls, but a lot in common too. My quarters didn't last too long, but still neat.

The first course from the movie is just so fun. I prefer the brightly lit courses like the ice course, and do poorly in darkly lit courses. I still think I have locked course, I am sad to say, but I enjoy racing two player couch co-op.

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Re: Star Wars Episode One Racer (N64)

Postby CharlieR » October 16th, 2016, 9:42 pm

What is this game like without the expansion pak?

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Re: Star Wars Episode One Racer (N64)

Postby Rookie1 » October 17th, 2016, 8:11 am

Dang, now I want to get this game. I remeber having a pretty good time with it back in the day.

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Re: Star Wars Episode One Racer (N64)

Postby CharlieR » October 19th, 2016, 9:01 am

I just got this game yesterday as well. I was kind of surprised that it was in the bargain bin for $4.99 with old sports games for n64 that were buy one get one free. Picked up this and WWF attitude.

I played the game for a bit, and it definitely has held up well. Racing is very smooth, and the tracks are very fun. I originally held off on buying this because I thought it was going to be like one of those futuristic racers like f-zero or wipeout, but it has a good sense of speed. Good thing I grabbed it before it went up in price like a lot of n64 games.

A hidden gem for the n64 I think.

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Re: Star Wars Episode One Racer (N64)

Postby astrodomekid » October 19th, 2016, 10:47 am

Man, I remember playing that at this daycare I used to go to, and it convinced me to buy Phantom Menace on VHS. I don't know about you, but I actually loved that movie. Ah... memories!

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Re: Star Wars Episode One Racer (N64)

Postby Herschie » January 14th, 2025, 1:01 pm

I read Critic's review on this and was about to buy the Dreamcast version when it dawned on me that I could download this on N64 and put it on my flashcart. I'm glad I did! Although I've never been a far of Star Wars, I can appreciate a game with great graphics and soft, easy controls.

There are still things I don't like about this game, one of them being that it's not clear exactly where you're supposed to go. One track it looked like I was heading into a black tunnel when it was actually a pillar painted black. I felt like Wile E. Coyote running into it! Often tracks will veer off in a different direction with little warning, leaving you to wonder where that wall came from. Or suddenly there's this rock in front of you that you're crashing into. Things like that I think are poor track design.

Still, I'm having fun with this game.

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Re: Star Wars Episode One Racer (N64)

Postby brendand » January 14th, 2025, 1:38 pm

There is a boost it’s not as simple as Fzero X through you sorta have to do a half circle on the joystick then keep control and watchout for overheat/self destruct.

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Re: Star Wars Episode One Racer (N64)

Postby Voor » January 15th, 2025, 8:40 pm

Believe it or not, there is a very active speedrunning community for this game still to this date.

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