Donkey Kong Country Returns HD (Switch)

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Donkey Kong Country Returns HD (Switch)

Postby GStratos » January 17th, 2025, 11:45 am

I have been given a free copy of this game by a friend and I am enjoying it so far. I first played this game on the 3DS long, long ago, and never really made it far in it. It would appear that this version, besides having improved graphics and running at 60fps in high definition, also includes extra levels that were originally added in the 3DS version of the game but were not present in the Wii version. Unlike the 3DS version however, this can be played in coop.

Overall, this is basically yet another re-release for the Switch akin to games like New Super Mario Bros. U, or Super Mario 3D World, or Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze which apparently released on the Switch before this game did, although I haven't gotten to that yet. It's nice to see that these two DKC games are available for everyone to play easily on the Switch now. Has anyone else given it a try?

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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns HD (Switch)

Postby DaHeckIzDat » January 17th, 2025, 5:26 pm

The original DKC trilogy on SNES are some of my all time favorite games. I grew up playing them, and I still replay them occasionally. But I could never get into Returns or Tropical Freeze. They're not bad, but playing them doesn't feel like playing the SNES games did. For one thing, I don't like being limited to only playing as Donkey Kong when all the previous games let you swap between two characters who always had different strengths and weaknesses. The jumping in the new games always felt way floatier than in the originals, which I 100% believe were the pinnacle of 2D platforming. The music also isn't nearly as good. The first three games' soundtracks were so good that I will look them up on YouTube just to listen to them while I'm at work or something. But even after playing through Returns and Tropical Freeze, I can't remember a single tune from any of the levels.

TLDR, I'm glad you're enjoying it, but I don't think either of the new games can hold a candle to the old ones.

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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns HD (Switch)

Postby GStratos » January 17th, 2025, 8:38 pm

I personally agree with you that the old trilogy has a certain magic to it that these newer titles (or Returns, at least, given I have yet to play Tropical Freeze) cannot quite match, but I still think they are fine enough games in their own right. In terms of playing as different kongs, they at least do the right thing by letting you play a two player mode so one player can control DK and another can control Diddy. It's not the same system, to be sure, but definitely a welcome aspect of the title, I think.

And yes, few video game soundtracks can match the Donkey Kong Country tunes from back in the day, naturally.

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