Two New Games!

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Posts: 2014
Joined: April 9th, 2015, 1:41 pm

Two New Games!

Postby DaHeckIzDat » March 16th, 2020, 3:01 pm

Got my tax return, and decided to splurge on a couple new games. The first is Dragon Quest Builders 2, a game I've been interested in ever since I started looking for a Minecraft-ish game with more of a story/questline.

On the complete other end of the spectrum, I also got Innocence: a Plague Tale (or is it A Plague Tale: Innocence?) Because it's supposed to be a stealth based, story heavy game with great atmosphere and rat physics. And if you don't think I'm trying a game just to see what the hell rat physics are, you don't know me at all.

I'll update this later when I get a chance to play them. Hopefully I'll have time for at least one of them today.

Posts: 2014
Joined: April 9th, 2015, 1:41 pm

Re: Two New Games!

Postby DaHeckIzDat » March 17th, 2020, 1:53 pm

First impressions on Dragon Quest Builders 2: it has potential. I would be having a lot more fun if the game would just let me play it instead of going to cutscene every five seconds to explain something I've already figured out. I know I said I wanted a game that was like Minecraft but with more of a story, but not THIS MUCH story! It's not even a good story! The appeal of Minecraft is three freedom of approaching your objective however you want, something that's impossible when it constantly forces you to follow somebody else around so they can jabber in your ear for half an hour.

It's also worth noting how jarring itnis when a character in such a cutesy children's game says "Damn it!" right out of nowhere.

I can still see myself enjoying this. I just have to suffer through the handholding until it lets me start doing what I want rather than what it wants.

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