Recent Movies You Saw
- Stalvern
- Posts: 2291
- Joined: June 18th, 2016, 7:15 pm
Re: Recent Movies You Saw
Inflicted Catwoman on a friend last night. Fun time, funnier than I had remembered. Please watch the basketball scene if you haven't seen it.
- VideoGameCritic
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- Joined: April 1st, 2015, 7:23 pm
Re: Recent Movies You Saw
Stalvern wrote:Inflicted Catwoman on a friend last night. Fun time, funnier than I had remembered. Please watch the basketball scene if you haven't seen it.
Just watched it. Terrible. Any desire I had to watch that movie is gone completely.
The best thing about watching that scene is the piece of mind of nothing worse will happen to you for the rest of the day.
- Stalvern
- Posts: 2291
- Joined: June 18th, 2016, 7:15 pm
Re: Recent Movies You Saw
I like the part where Halle Berry is whirling the ball around and they repeat two seconds of the footage for some reason.
- Posts: 685
- Joined: April 18th, 2015, 10:32 am
Re: Recent Movies You Saw
VideoGameCritic wrote:Stalvern wrote:Inflicted Catwoman on a friend last night. Fun time, funnier than I had remembered. Please watch the basketball scene if you haven't seen it.
Just watched it. Terrible. Any desire I had to watch that movie is gone completely.
The best thing about watching that scene is the piece of mind of nothing worse will happen to you for the rest of the day.
Wow. I guess it was impossible to make it look like she was good at basketball without constant cuts and moving the camera around.
- Stalvern
- Posts: 2291
- Joined: June 18th, 2016, 7:15 pm
Re: Recent Movies You Saw
Watched Norbit with the same friend. Somehow even worse than people say it is. Even Terry Crews sucks in this movie.
- Posts: 1402
- Joined: May 3rd, 2019, 6:01 pm
Re: Recent Movies You Saw
With the snow falling and its January, went with my yearly viewing John Carpenter's "The Thing" with Kurt Russell and Keith David. Still an effective winter horror with a sense of paranoia and dread as you don't know who the monster is in disguise. The practical effects have stood the test of time, make sure you have a flamethrower and some dynamite if you're going to have a chance against the abomination, and keep track of your buddies.
- Stalvern
- Posts: 2291
- Joined: June 18th, 2016, 7:15 pm
Re: Recent Movies You Saw
Just watched another very snowy movie, Fargo. A great one, but nobody needs me to say it.
- Posts: 1402
- Joined: May 3rd, 2019, 6:01 pm
Re: Recent Movies You Saw
Another wintry movie, this time an animated movie celebrating its 30th anniversary the underrated "Balto" with the voices of Kevin Bacon, Bridget Fonda, and Bob Hoskins, the last one plays the goose who steals the show with memorable lines like: "Boris Goosinov is no spring Chicken!", "I'm beginning to understand the bear!", and my favorite "I was so scared I got people-bumps!". Although a little cutsey sometimes, it doesn't sugar-coat the more serious themes not to mention nicely animated and bookended by live-action sequences with Miriam Margoyles as the grandmother.
- BlasteroidAli
- Posts: 1952
- Joined: April 9th, 2015, 7:50 pm
Re: Recent Movies You Saw
Longlegs. It was going to be the next big horror movie, then it was not. It is on prime and I managed about 20 mins of it. Too artsy for me, so I turned it off.
- Posts: 632
- Joined: November 15th, 2016, 6:46 pm
Re: Recent Movies You Saw
Watched Christmas Evil yesterday. And to be honest, it wasn't really all that great. Basically, it's about a guy who as a kid discovered by accident that Santa wasn't real. Which in turn scarred him for life, and as an adult he decides to go on a killing spree. Dressed as Santa, of course. Not a bad premise for a low budget horror, but I dunno, it just didn't really hit the mark to me. And the special effects were so cheap and cheesy! Yes, I know it's a low budget flick and they didn't have a lot of money at their disposal to come up with some cutting edge effects. And yes, I've seen far worse in some modern day flicks (eg: all of Wildeye's output. Yuck.). But why is it that in most of these low budget movies from the late 70's and early 80's, the blood always looks like watered down paint? Could they at least tried to make it more realistic? Or at least a darker shade? It might not seem like a big deal, but I really find that off putting for some reason. It's still up on Tubi, so if you're interested you can check it out for yourself. But to be honest, I think you'd be better off watching something else. 5 out of 10.