RatsTheDonkey wrote:Thanks! I am genuinely curious about the Jaguar Bubsy game, but I'll wait for the upcoming Bubsy collection to try it out since I do not have the means to shell out for an Atari Jaguar just for one game!
It has the same engine and gameplay as the first game, along with better graphics and a pleasant visual theme, but is much worse. Instead of being wide open, the levels are cramped and packed with enemies, and you have to wander all over the place hunting for switches to unlock doors that could be any distance from them. Just an awful experience. Its higher grade than the original is a classic case of the VGC grading on a curve against the Jaguar's awful library, but even on that system, you can get your platform fix with a real game like Rayman or Flashback instead. (Not that I'm against this kind of grading – the mediocre Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure also jumped to my mind as an example of a "real game" on the Jag. I'd give it a B there but a C on the Genesis.)
RatsTheDonkey wrote:I've never played Bubsy 3D, but it seems that EVERYONE agrees that it's a complete disaster of a game.
It's really bad but still might be the best one in the series. It's a clunky, hideous-looking mess, but it doesn't give you the feeling of constantly being kicked in the shins like the 2D games do.