2017/5/11: Nintendo Switch: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Super Bomberman R

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Re: 2017/5/11: Nintendo Switch: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Super Bomberman R

Postby Voor » May 13th, 2017, 10:16 pm

newmodelarmy wrote:I can't for the life me understand the appeal of Mario Kart. Track design is cool, graphics are great but the game is just slow to me (I owned it for the WiiU). Plus it is the same old tired game design....win four races for the gold! Rinse and repeat. This is just a tired racing game from the 90's,if not for the graphics it could pass for the SNES game. Now that being said it is a fun multiplayer game but all in all a solid B in my opinion.

I believe this version ups it to 200cc, which is actually pretty fast.

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Re: 2017/5/11: Nintendo Switch: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Super Bomberman R

Postby Mario500 » May 14th, 2017, 2:08 pm

The way the Critic suggested a CPU difficulty setting for Super Bomberman R is not something I would ever read in front of friends and family of mine (doing so could possibly be detrimental to their perceptions of me and of my use of language).

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Re: 2017/5/11: Nintendo Switch: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Super Bomberman R

Postby ptdebate » May 14th, 2017, 11:16 pm

Mario500 wrote:The way the Critic suggested a CPU difficulty setting for Super Bomberman R is not something I would ever read in front of friends and family of mine (doing so could possibly be detrimental to their perceptions of me and of my use of language).

I'm not sure what you mean exactly, but if that is the case I would offer a suggestion: don't read it.

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Re: 2017/5/11: Nintendo Switch: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Super Bomberman R

Postby Mario500 » May 15th, 2017, 7:56 am

ptdebate wrote:
Mario500 wrote:The way the Critic suggested a CPU difficulty setting for Super Bomberman R is not something I would ever read in front of friends and family of mine (doing so could possibly be detrimental to their perceptions of me and of my use of language).

I'm not sure what you mean exactly, but if that is the case I would offer a suggestion: don't read it.

I did not like the rude language of that part of the review (along with its rude description of the CPU players in the game afterwards (I would not want to read that part of the review in front of friends and family either)).

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Re: 2017/5/11: Nintendo Switch: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Super Bomberman R

Postby MoarRipter » May 15th, 2017, 4:56 pm

In 2017 to use words such as "damn" "bastard" and "god-forbid" is pretty tame compared to the other 99% of the Internet. The critic was perfectly justified in his tone because he's right - the AI is ridiculously unbalanced in that game, so much to the point that the game should be docked points in its scoring because of that. A lot of us that have played Super Bomberman R could have much saltier words to use regarding that game's AI than what the critic wrote. Same with the collision detection, which seems a little off but it may just seem that way due to the weird 3D angles.

Bottom line the critic is right in his review, the game is a rushed effort, it's not a particularly good Bomberman game, not compared to what we've seen in the past.

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Re: 2017/5/11: Nintendo Switch: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Super Bomberman R

Postby mbd36 » May 15th, 2017, 9:46 pm

Mario500 wrote:The way the Critic suggested a CPU difficulty setting for Super Bomberman R is not something I would ever read in front of friends and family of mine (doing so could possibly be detrimental to their perceptions of me and of my use of language).

My monocle popped out when I read it.

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Re: 2017/5/11: Nintendo Switch: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Super Bomberman R

Postby MoarRipter » June 7th, 2017, 10:19 am

VGC, based on your review you state you never purchased the DLC for Mario Kart 8 on the Wii U. If you are signed up for My Nintendo (the rewards program that replaced Club Nintendo) you can get both DLC packs for 60 gold coins each. You can get gold coins from purchasing retail Switch software or digital Switch/Wii U/3DS titles. From the main menu of the Switch, press either + or - on a physical title you purchased and then go to My Nintendo Rewards Program.

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Re: 2017/5/11: Nintendo Switch: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Super Bomberman R

Postby Eric » January 16th, 2025, 9:54 pm

Having recently purchased a Switch I’ve had a lot of fun with Mario Kart. I never played the original SNES version back in the day. But it came with my Switch online subscription, along with a bunch of other SNES games. So I tried it. After Mario Kart 8 Deluxe it was like Mario World experienced a nuclear war and got blown back to the Stone Age.

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