2025/1/24: Xbox: Roadkill, Punisher, The

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2025/1/24: Xbox: Roadkill, Punisher, The

Postby VideoGameCritic » January 24th, 2025, 3:57 pm

Check out these two new Xbox game reviews.

One of these games is the most violent I've played, and the other is the most obnoxious.

Before you point to Mortal Kombat as an example of a more violent game, I'd just like to point out that The Punisher protrays its violence realistically, while MK is very over-the-top.


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Re: 2025/1/24: Xbox: Roadkill, Punisher, The

Postby Stalvern » January 24th, 2025, 8:34 pm

You should review Manhunt next, or at least soon. I thought you already had, but no, only the sequel.

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Re: 2025/1/24: Xbox: Roadkill, Punisher, The

Postby crimefighter » January 24th, 2025, 9:53 pm

You can't imagine Marvel slapping their name on this? Did you not see Dealpool & Wolverine ??

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Re: 2025/1/24: Xbox: Roadkill, Punisher, The

Postby matmico399 » January 24th, 2025, 10:12 pm

I was just going to say like Stalvern Manhunt is the most violent game I've ever played on a console. I'm surprised it didn't get an AO rating. But Punisher sounds crazy too.

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Re: 2025/1/24: Xbox: Roadkill, Punisher, The

Postby BlasteroidAli » January 25th, 2025, 1:21 am

As a huge fan of the original Xbox, here are two games I never bothered with. Punisher looks fun as does Roadkill from two defunct studios. *(())* as Q Bert might have said.

I had a look at both of the games online and they are still reasonably priced. Not sure if I am up for buying them.

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Re: 2025/1/24: Xbox: Roadkill, Punisher, The

Postby SavagePencil » January 25th, 2025, 3:49 pm

When we started work on Ghostbusters (https://videogamecritic.com/mobile/wiig ... 66#rev3448) and Mushroom Men (https://videogamecritic.com/mobile/wiil ... 66#rev3486), we were told to use the Infernal Engine. We took a trip up to the developer to understand how to use it. They proudly showed us how they had used it to build Roadkill and we started looking at each other seeing if it was too late to change engines.

(It was)

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Re: 2025/1/24: Xbox: Roadkill, Punisher, The

Postby VideoGameCritic » January 25th, 2025, 4:01 pm

That's pretty awesome that we have a real gaming developer on this forum providing us with some insight! You don't get much "behind the scenes" looks when it comes to gaming development.

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Re: 2025/1/24: Xbox: Roadkill, Punisher, The

Postby RatsTheDonkey » January 25th, 2025, 5:15 pm

I'm mildly curious about the Punisher game! That said, if you think that game is violent, Manhunt will give it a run for it's money. That game almost got an AO rating for the sheer brutality and realism of its violence, and even when restrained with an M rating it's downright visceral to watch, let alone play.

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Re: 2025/1/24: Xbox: Roadkill, Punisher, The

Postby ActRaiser » January 26th, 2025, 2:46 pm

Regarding the Punisher's last paragraph, have you seen Deadpool vs Wolverine?

It's 2+ hours of nothing but blood. The last paragraph may need an edit as it doesn't meet reality.

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Re: 2025/1/24: Xbox: Roadkill, Punisher, The

Postby JohanOberg » January 27th, 2025, 7:34 am

You made me want to buy Roadkill. I don't mind GTA-style humor and gratuitous violence at all.

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