Controller Destruction!

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Re: Controller Destruction!

Postby velcrozombie » January 24th, 2025, 12:39 pm

I've thrown controllers a couple of times - I remember doing so once when I was trying to finish Mega Man IV - or I've hit them off of a cushion so I wouldn't actually damage them (final boss of No More Heroes 2), but never destroyed anything or wanted to.

Don't understand the bit with the Wii, you could have given it to a kid that would have enjoyed it.

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Re: Controller Destruction!

Postby snakeboy » January 24th, 2025, 1:25 pm

One time after losing to the CPU in NBA Jam on a last second full-court heave, I got so mad I strapped my SNES controller to my Cutlass Supreme's front bumper and ended up plowing through the entrance of a local Wal-Mart.

Other than that, I feel like I'm a pretty chill guy when it comes to video games.

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Re: Controller Destruction!

Postby matmico399 » January 24th, 2025, 10:22 pm

Stalvern wrote:I graduated preschool.

LOL. When we were growing up my older brother couldn't stand losing while I took it as not that big of a deal. He would get so angry he would throw them on the basement floor with just a very thin carpet with concrete just below. The 2600 in the mid 80s. He wanted to play me in Atari again a few days later. I said only if you won't destroy another joystick. He agreed. I knew I was beating him in the game and waited for his reaction he threw it on the ground again and broke it going into many pieces. I don't think I played him again head to head. My poor dad fixed so many joysticks.

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Re: Controller Destruction!

Postby BlasteroidAli » January 25th, 2025, 1:22 am

snakeboy wrote:One time after losing to the CPU in NBA Jam on a last second full-court heave, I got so mad I strapped my SNES controller to my Cutlass Supreme's front bumper and ended up plowing through the entrance of a local Wal-Mart.

Other than that, I feel like I'm a pretty chill guy when it comes to video games.

Wow, probably better to play Twisted Metal of Vigilante 8 and imagine the controller is on the front of the car.

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Re: Controller Destruction!

Postby VideoGameCritic » January 25th, 2025, 9:19 am

In the 90's I remember hearing about my friend Brendan breaking one of Steve's SNES controllers during a raucous game night. I think they were playing Tetris 2 at the time and Brendan threw the controller. Steve made him buy a new one.

I've never purposely broken a controller out of anger.

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Re: Controller Destruction!

Postby definitelynotbob » February 4th, 2025, 3:21 pm

In my angriest gaming moments the worst I’ve done is probably kick something. I would never forgive myself if I broke something as valuable and expensive as a Nintendo Switch.

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