Terra Lander

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Posts: 78
Joined: December 31st, 1969, 7:00 pm

Terra Lander

Postby C64_Critic1 » March 2nd, 2015, 9:39 am

     There is a nice vector-graphics throwback game on Steam right now called Terra Lander that I think fans of the original Lunar Lander (or fans of vector graphics based games) would really enjoy.  It's only $5.99, and you can even download and try a free demo first if you wish.  I gave it a whirl over the weekend and spent a little over an hour playing it in total; doesn't sound like much, but it's a great "quick-hitter" game for when you're in the mood for just a 10 to 15 minute arcade fix.  There are apparently 20 levels, but I've only been able to get to the 6th level so far.  It starts out easy enough, but gets hard pretty quickly.  The object is to simply land your lunar lander on the landing pad.  You have a guide arrow and radar to help you navigate the terrain as gravity constantly sucks you downward and you must throw your thrusters to avoid colliding with anything or smashing into the ground.  Naturally you only have so much fuel, although you can replenish by destroying fuel tanks scattered about.  There are also enemy gun emplacements you need to avoid/destroy, as well as individual time limits for each level - which, frankly, I could have done without.

     Although being mostly a keyboard/mouse kind of guy, I found this game really begs for being played with a 360 controller - made my life MUCH easier!  I recommend all fans of the original to at least give the demo a try.  At $5.99 it's a fairly cheap game to begin with, and if I know Steam it's likely to go 'on sale' for probably half that at least a few times over the coming year.

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Joined: December 31st, 1969, 7:00 pm

Terra Lander

Postby Astrosmasher1 » March 2nd, 2015, 11:04 pm

I stuck it on and I think Sut should give it a go as he was playing gravatar recently.   Quite good fun.  Will give it another go tomorrow.

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