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Lynx Reviews E-L

Gates of Zendocon
Grade: D-
Publisher: Epyx (1989)
Posted: 2003/11/14

screenshot*Yawn* This side-scrolling space shooter looks like a winner at first glance, but gradually sinks into the realm of mediocrity (actually a bit lower than that). I love shooters with massive firepower, and at the very least, Gates does deliver that. Your piercing laser weapon is a continuous beam of energy that wipes out everything in its path, and the explosions are huge. Other weapons are available, but you'll only need to use them when your laser breaks down.

Initially you battle some generic UFOs and bouncing balls, but later face eyeballs, insects, and large slimy creatures. The screen scrolls up and down, but there's little incentive to take risks. As a result, you tend to remain in your own little area and be defensive. The dull, unsatisfying stages are endless parades of enemies moving in predictable patterns. I especially hate when they line up single-file, preventing you from getting a shot at them.

It's hard to believe that Gates of Zendocon was play-tested at all; it seems like very little thought was put into the stage designs. And what's up with the music? Is that an accordion I hear?? Please make it stop! When Gates of Zendocon is finally over, you're awarded with a huge, seven-digit score, but it doesn't mean much. © Copyright 2003 The Video Game Critic.

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Recommended variation: hard
Our high score: 1,538,900
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Gauntlet: The Third Encounter
Grade: F
Publisher: Atari (1990)
Posted: 2005/1/17

screenshotWith apologies to all the Lynx Gauntlet fans, I can't play this thing. Third Encounter may boast some nice technical features, but I found its repetitive gameplay to be agonizing. The game is played with the Lynx system held vertically, creating a "long" screen configuration (that's why the screen shot looks distorted). Holding it like this tires your arm during extended play, but it does make sense in terms of screen layout.

The top area conveys an overhead view of your fighter, the maze, and the well-designed creatures. A box on the lower right lists your vital stats, and the lower left displays impressive scaling images of monsters and treasure as you approach them on the main screen. Going beyond the standard D&D character classes, you can also assume the unconventional roles of a pirate, nerd, cowboy, or punk rocker. To be honest, it doesn't make a heck of a lot of difference what you are.

Like previous versions of Gauntlet, gameplay involves exploring dungeon mazes while shooting monsters and collecting keys and treasure. The problem with this game is your projectiles move too slow, and you're constantly being overwhelmed by hordes of creatures. Okay, you could probably say that about any Gauntlet, but here your firepower is simply no match. Fortunately, there are no "portals" to generate new monsters (unlike previous Gauntlets).

Blasting a monster causes it to shrink and disappear, and while it's a neat visual effect, it's not nearly as satisfying as blasting the thing to bits. Lacking the frantic shooting action the series is known for, this Gauntlet falls flat. Third Encounter does allow multiple Lynx systems to "link up" for cooperative action, but I suspect this is a rare occurrence. © Copyright 2005 The Video Game Critic.

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Gordo 106
Grade: C
Publisher: Tenth Planet (1992)
Posted: 2018/3/2

screenshotJudging by the name alone I would have pegged Gordo 106 as a futuristic fighting game starring a fat cyborg. The title screen however reveals the full name to be "Gordo #106: The Mutated Lab Monkey." Say what? According to the intro you play a "brutally exploited lab monkey who lives in lonely misery in cage #106". Gee, what an uplifting theme for a kid's game! It stands in stark contrast to the game's wacky hijinks and funky music.

Gordo is a sharp platformer with impressively large characters. Some of these people are screen-sized. Gordo is well animated, and I especially like how he unlocks cages to release bunnies. He looks hilarious when running with his arms over his head or celebrating at the end of a stage. Gordo hurls apples at lab doctors who look like Larry David. The stages feature all the normal elements - conveyor belts, lights to swing on, and timed flame traps.

The problem is, our poor little monkey is constantly bumping his head, triggering a brief but annoying "dizzy" animation. This makes sense when positioned in a tight space, but more often than not he bumps his head on the top of the screen! If there's a ceiling up there, they really should show it! Many areas call for a long jump, but the platforms are too narrow for a running start. Even when you do have some room the running controls are erratic.

And then there are the obligatory "leaps of faith". When you fall, you'll find yourself in an underground level, where you think you have a new lease on life. Then you are suddenly incinerated. Occasionally you'll fall into a bonus room with all sorts of items to collect and cages to unlock. I never said Gordo 106 made a lot of sense. After losing all your lives you get a game over screen, but you have to turn the system off and on to play again. Gordo is an average platformer, but if it brings people's attention to the inhumane treatment of animals I guess it served its purpose. © Copyright 2018 The Video Game Critic.

Our high score: 8,300
1 player 

Grade: C-
Publisher: Tengen (1992)
Posted: 2003/11/14

screenshotTo anyone who doesn't believe the Lynx was far ahead of its time, I'd challenge you to compare Hydra to Spy Hunter (Game Boy Advance, 2001). Both games look and play nearly the same, despite the fact that Hydra was released about 10 years earlier! Hydra is a high-speed boat combat game where you whiz down canals while blasting targets and collecting crystals. Both the scaling and illusion of speed is quite convincing. You can change weapons on the fly, which include uzis, flamethrowers, heat-seekers, and six-way shots.

But what's most impressive is your ability to "boost" into the air at breathtaking heights for short periods of time. While you're up there, you can shoot blimps and helicopters while collecting floating items. From the water, targets and obstacles tend to be chunky and hard to make out, but there's a nice amount of variation in the scenery, making it fun to see what the next level looks like.

Though technically impressive, Hydra does stumble in the gameplay department. First, you need to hold the control pad down to accelerate, which is more than a little awkward. And then there's a problem with the difficulty. I could play the easy skill level all day, but the medium difficulty is terribly frustrating, with hard-to-avoid missiles and a fuel tank that always seems to be on empty. When all is said and done, it's pretty much a wash. I did find it amusing that the hero's close-up image looks exactly like Arnold Schwarzenegger with a mullet haircut. © Copyright 2003 The Video Game Critic.

Recommended variation: med
Our high score: 41300
1 player 

Jimmy Connors' Tennis
Grade: C
Publisher: Atari (1993)
Posted: 2017/9/19

boxJimmy Connors' Tennis does a lot of things right, beginning with an introduction by Jimmy's huge animated face! Whoa! On the court your view is optimal, with just the right angle and zoom. The players look realistic enough, right down to those tight white shorts players used to wear. It's a little hard to get the serve timing down because Jimmy tosses the ball so high! During volleys the ball bounces realistically and there seems to be a random element to how the ball comes off the racket.

The game helps you follow the ball by placing a box where you need to position yourself. You then need to press A or B to execute a forehand or backhand. Between getting into position, choosing the correct hand, and timing your shot the game is surprisingly tough. An attractive female referee announces the score between points.

While playable, Jimmy Connors Tennis lacks razzle-dazzle. It would be nice to have a cut-scene or special animation to accentuate an exceptional play. I also would have preferred the option to play a single set instead of the best of three. I don't have all day Jimmy! As it is, Jimmy Connors' Tennis is challenging enough but could use a dash of excitement. © Copyright 2017 The Video Game Critic.

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1 to 4 players 

Grade: A
Publisher: Williams (1992)
Posted: 2023/3/15

screenshotWhat a stunning rendition this is of the classic coin-op, retaining the unique look and feel of this captivating game. As a knight on a flying ostrich, you defeat other fluttering foes by colliding with them while being slightly higher. The button-tapping, wing-flapping mayhem is largely driven by gravity and momentum. This version has all the elements of the arcade, including the pterodactyl, the lava troll, and those unforgettable sound effects.

At first I was apprehensive about this scaled-down version. The graphics look exactly like the arcade but during the first few waves feel a bit sluggish, as if the Lynx wasn't up to the task. Well, that's not the case at all. As wave progress and things become more intense with more flyers and eggs bouncing around, the game actually runs progressively faster while maintaining a smooth frame-rate.

I've been playing Joust for decades so I know a few tricks. You want to remain above the fray whenever possible. When you spawn on the bottom platform it's very easy to get hemmed in. Let enemies come down to you. Also, don't let eggs sit idle, as they will hatch new enemies.

I love the screeching pyrodactyl and can't resist taking a shot at him. It's a tricky maneuver to stab him in the mouth, but I find that remaining flat on a platform as he lunges toward you is your best chance. Fluttering too close to the lava causes the hand of the lava troll to reach up and try to pull you under. Flap like your life depends on it! On the other hand, it's fun to take advantage of distressed foes in his grasp.

Joust for the Lynx is excellent, offering nine difficulty levels and even a two-player "com-lynx" option. I never considered Joust to be "sexy" looking game, but when it comes to pure arcade excitement it's hard to top. © Copyright 2023 The Video Game Critic.

Our high score: 62,650
1 or 2 players 

Grade: A-
Publisher: Atari (1990)
Posted: 2024/3/24

screenshotI've played several versions of Klax, and while I enjoy them all, this may be the best. It's as though the game was expressly designed for the Lynx! This puzzler may have a Tetris (Game Boy, 1989) vibe, but it's got a lot more strategy and variety to offer.

Klax assumes a vertical screen configuration, meaning you'll need to hold the system longways. It makes a lot of sense once you start to play. You're staring at the end of a long, five-lane ramp with tiles flipping towards you. The idea is to catch them and deposit them into "loading bins". Line up three or more colors horizontally, vertically, or diagonally in the bins and they disappear. Some stages require specific objectives, like completing three diagonal "klaxes".

There's more to the game than meets the eye. In addition to thoughtfully placing each tile, you also have the option to kick the current one you're holding back up the ramp. This is very useful when you want to place the next tile before your current one, creating a very cool "juggling" dynamic.

Klax also has more pizzazz than your typical puzzler. A female voice introduces each round and might even chime in with "yeah!" if you do something good. The sound of an audience clapping is heard upon completing each level. I also enjoyed the various backdrops like clouds or a forest.

Klax really is a showcase title for the Lynx, offering pseudo-3D graphics, voice synthesis, and sophisticated, thought-provoking gameplay. I'm not the most cerebral gamer but I know a good game when I see it, and this one fits the Lynx like a glove. © Copyright 2024 The Video Game Critic.

Our high score: 73,785
1 player 

Kung Food
Grade: F
Publisher: Atari (1992)
Posted: 2003/11/14

screenshotWhat in God's name were those guys at Atari smoking when they came up with this one? Atari boss: "We need a concept for a new Lynx game. Any ideas?" Programmer: "Hey, we don't have any games that let you beat the crap out of a carrot!" Boss: "Jennings, I think you're onto something there - let's get to work on this immediately."

Kung Food is a wacky side-scrolling beat-em-up that puts you in control of a diminutive naked green muscleman. Would it have been too much trouble to put some pants on this poor guy? Moving through various locations in a kitchen you punch and kick your way through an endless army of vegetables, bugs, ice monsters, and rats. Your control is limited to basic kicks and punches, and you can't interact with the scenery.

Most enemies require multiple hits to kill, but it's hard to line up with them and even harder to tell if you're doing any damage. Additional obstacles like spikes appear without warning and inflict cheap hits. The characters are quite large but not particularly well animated. There's a fine line between zany and stupid, and Kung Food crosses that line often. On the bright side, compared to Kung Food, most other Lynx titles are terrific! © Copyright 2003 The Video Game Critic.

Our high score: 22600
1 player 

LynXmas 2020
Grade: NA
Publisher: K-Retro (2024)
Posted: 2024/12/5

Lynxmas screen LynXmas 2020 is a compilation of Christmas-themed mini-games. The first, Gift Catcher, is like one of those "claw" games. You hold the system vertically as Santa moves side-to-side across the top. If you press the button at the right time, Santa will bungee down to snag the gift at the bottom. You then hold in a button to hoist him up while dodging santa-sized snowflakes.

Naughty is purely a novelty game. Santa stands in the snow in the center of the screen. You're a bratty little girl rapidly throwing snowballs into Santa's face. Periodically Santa gets fed up and tries to jump on you or smack you with his sack. There's really no score or sense of progression, but there is a nice rendition of Jingle Bells.

Red is a bit of a stretch for a Christmas title. Santa has apparently quit Christmas and you must save the day by escaping several Zelda-style dungeons. Playing as a little creature in a red hood, each room has a key, exit, and spinning buzzsaws. The blood spatter (splatter?) is the highlight of this one.

If there's a gem in here - and I use the term loosely - it would be Santa's Factory. Rows of toys move along three conveyor belts, dropping from one to the next. The upper left hand corner displays a three-toy combination. By positioning a three-square cursor, you need to highlight and select the three toys when they line up exactly. It's very challenging and you have to think quickly before time runs out!

Santa's Empty Sack is one I just don't get. You move Santa freely around a snow-covered meadow as a "defecating squirrel" leaves random gifts and other "treats". You must grab the presents while avoiding the poo, which is really no problem. When your frenzy meter fills the squirrel starts zipping across the screen for no apparent reason. The game keeps score but I don't think it ever ends.

Saving Santa's Tree is a likeable little platformer. In this one Santa can grab gifts and hurl them at little gremlins, causing them to drop tree ornaments. Carry an ornament over to the tree and it will float into place in the most pleasing manner. The decorated tree looks nice but a lack of challenge will lull you into boredom.

In Snowball you're a guy bundled up in winter clothes moving across the bottom of the screen. Another dude randomly sticks his head out from the top and throws a snowball. Get hit and you lose a life; hit him and you score. This might be fun if you had to engage the guy. But you're free to just avoid him until you get an easy shot.

LynXmas 2020 is interesting to peruse but could have more spirit. A little snow or holiday music on the main menu could have gone a long way. Also, I couldn't figure out how to switch between games without turning the system off and on. All in all it's a mixed bag but if you enjoyed the Halloween edition you may find this appealing. © Copyright 2024 The Video Game Critic.

1 player 

LynxJam 2021: Let's Make Something Scary
Grade: NA
Publisher: Atari Gamer (2024)
Posted: 2024/10/8

Krow screenshot I'm always up for some scary games, but on the Lynx?! How could I possibly resist?? LynxJam 2021: Let's Make Something Scary is a collection of six mini-games with a macabre theme.

The first, Banana Ghost, is about as scary as its name would imply. You move a stereotypical white ghost around a series of rooms, trying to scare some dude through doors so he can escape. The problem is, each scare sends him bouncing mindlessly around the room and it takes him forever to stop.

Bathman is the most offbeat of the bunch. It stars a sexy vamp named Letitia seen in digitized form on the game's intro screen! So she's taking a bath in a huge caudron. You control a little vampire bat trying to perform tasks in response to her supplications. I can throw logs in the fire to heat her "bath", but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do after that. She always ends up whipping me into submission.

Black Pit is the most esoteric game of the collection. Designed to be played with earphones, you use sound cues to navigate a pitch dark maze. It's a really cool concept but I couldn't figure it out. The map screen is extremely hard to make out and takes forever to render. Am I supposed to be that white pixel? I don't get it.

Krow features an excellent title screen depicting a crow sitting on a graveyard fence as weird organ music plays. Viewing your bird from behind, you glide over a foggy landscape with a huge moon looming in the sky. Objects scale in from the distance, mostly skulls. You need to dodge these while catching crescent-shape "moonbeams". I wish there was some kind of feedback when you caught one. Collect 30 for the win. It's shallow but the atmosphere is very nice.

Sorrow is what you might describe as Zelda Lite. You move a little warrior armed with a sword around a maze of rooms that all look the same. Clear each room of monsters and doors open. I appreciate how they remain open when you backtrack, but there's little sense of progress. It's not scary either, although I suppose the music is a bit eerie.

Fortunately they saved the best for last. Does anybody remember Plants Vs. Zombies (Xbox 360, 2010)? In that game you would strategically place weapons on one side of the screen to fend off waves of zombies. Zap reinvents this classic for the Lynx, and it's by far the most addictive and enjoyable game of the bunch.

So there you have it. I'm not assigning a grade to LynxJam 2021 because none of these games are fully-realized. My biggest gripe is that there's no easy way to switch between games; you have to turn the system off and on to get back to the menu. That said, these little ditties can be fun to noodle around with on a chilly October afternoon. © Copyright 2024 The Video Game Critic.

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