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Even girls like this game! That's sexist.

50 Shades of GreyAtari 2600Dubious Software2015F
Alice's Mom's RescueDreamcastHucast2015D
AlienAtari 260020th Century Fox1982B
Arcade ClassicsPhilips CD-iNamco1996B-
Assembloids 2600Atari 2600Atari Age2017A-
Balloon FightNESNintendo1984B
Barbie: Super ModelGenesisHigh Tech1993C
Bare Knuckle 3 (Japan)GenesisSega1994A-
Battle AxeNintendo SwitchNumskull Games2021B-
Beatles Rock Band, TheXbox 360Harmonix2009A
Brain AgeNintendo DSNintendo2006B+
BreakoutAtari 2600Atari1978C
Bubble BobbleNESTaito1988B+
CentipedeAtari 2600Atari1983A-
CentipedeAtari 5200Atari1982A-
CentipedeAtari 7800Atari1986A
CentipedeAtari XEGSAtari1982C
Circus AtariAtari 2600Atari1978B-
Cooking MamaNintendo DSMajesco2006D+
Dance CentralXbox 360Harmonix2010B+
Dance Central 2Xbox 360Harmonix2011B+
Disney Illusion IslandNintendo SwitchDisney2023B
Disney Sing ItPlaystation 2Disney2008B
Distracted DriverPlaystation 4Forged Monix2018B+
Dora Saves the MermaidsPlaystation 2Take Two Interactive2007NA
Dora the Explorer: Dora Saves the MermaidsNintendo DSTake-Two Interactive2007NA
Dr. MarioNESNintendo1990B-
Dr. Mario 64Nintendo 64Nintendo2001A-
Family Feud3DOGametek1994B+
Final Fantasy XIII (Guest Review)Playstation 3Square Enix2010B
Final VendettaNintendo SwitchNumskull Games2022B
FroggerAtari 2600Parker Bros1982A-
FroggerAtari 5200Parker Bros1983C+
FroggerAtari XEGSParker Bros.1983A-
FroggerColecovisionParker Bros.1983A+
FroggerIntellivisionParker Bros.1982B-
FroggerOdyssey 2Parker Bros.1982A
Frogger, The OfficialAtari 2600Starpath1984A+
GorfAtari 2600CBS1981B-
Gorf (CD)Jaguar3D Stooges Software2005A
Guitar HeroPlaystation 2Red Octane2005A+
Guitar Hero 2Playstation 2Red Octane2006A-
Guitar Hero 5Xbox 360Activision2009B+
Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks The 80sPlaystation 2Red Octane2007A
Guitar Hero III: Legends of RockPlaystation 2Activision2007B-
Haunting GroundPlaystation 2Capcom2005C+
I Spy Spooky MansionWiiScholastic2010B
KangarooAtari XEGSAtari1982B
Katamari Damacy: RerollNintendo SwitchBandai Namco2018C+
Kirby and the Forgotten LandNintendo SwitchNintendo2022A
Late ShiftPlaystation 4Wales Interactive2017C
Life is Strange: Before the StormPlaystation 4Square Enix2017C-
Life is Strange: Complete SeasonPlaystation 4Square Enix2015C
Little Mermaid, TheNESDisney1991C
MillipedeAtari 2600Atari1984A-
MillipedeAtari 5200Atari1984D+
MillipedeAtari XEGSAtari1984C-
Ms. Pac-ManAtari 5200Atari1983A
Ms. Pac-ManAtari 7800Atari1986A-
Ms. Pac-ManAtari XEGSAtari1983A
Ms. Pac-manAtari 2600Atari1983A-
Plants Vs. ZombiesXbox 360Popcap2010A
PocahontasGenesisBuena Vista Games1996D+
Puyo Puyo TetrisNintendo SwitchSega2017B
Puzzle LinkNeo Geo PocketYumakobo1999A-
Realm of ImpossibilityAtari XEGSElectronic Arts1984A
Rikki & VikkiAtari 7800Penguinet2018A-
Ring Fit AdventureNintendo SwitchNintendo2019A-
River City GirlsNintendo SwitchWayforward2019A-
Road RashGenesisElectronic Arts1991A
Rock Band 2Xbox 360Harmonix2008B+
ShantaeGame Boy ColorCapcom2002A-
Shantae and the Pirate's CurseNintendo 3DSRising Star Games2016B+
Shantae and the Seven SirensNintendo SwitchWayforward2020B+
Shantae: Half-Genie HeroWii UX-Seed2016A+
Sims, ThePlaystation 2Electronic Arts2003F
Space Channel 5DreamcastSega2000B
Streets of RageGenesisSega1991A-
Streets of RageSega Master SystemSega1993B+
Streets of Rage 2GenesisSega1992A
Streets of Rage 3GenesisSega1994B
Super BreakoutAtari XEGSAtari1978B
Super Circus AtariAgeAtari 7800Atari Age2010A
Super Princess PeachNintendo DSNintendo2006C
TearawayPlaystation VitaSony2013A
TetrisPhilips CD-iPhilips1992B-
Tetris (Nintendo)NESNintendo1989A-
Tetris (Tengen)NESTengen1988B+
Tetris and Dr. MarioSuper NintendoNintendo1994A-
Tinker BellNintendo DSDisney2008B-
Treasure of the Caribbean (CD)Neo GeoNCI-Le Cortext2011B-
Typing of the DeadDreamcastSega2000A-
Zenses: Ocean EditionNintendo DSGame Factory2008C+
Zoo TycoonXbox OneMicrosoft2013C
ZookeeperNintendo DSNintendo2004B+

Total: 101

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