

2024/10/16 Intellivision: Lock N Chase 8K

Click table headers to sort. Grades are relative for other games on the same system.
Advanced Dungeons & DragonsMattel1982B 2005/6/4
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Treasure of TarminMattel1982C+ 2000/6/10
Armor BattleMattel1979C- 2024/5/15
AstrosmashMattel1981C 2009/12/18
AtlantisImagic1982A- 2007/8/23
Auto RacingMattel1979D- 2007/2/3
B-17 BomberMattel1982A- 2000/3/19
Battlestar Galactica Space BattleIntelligentVision2020A+ 2020/8/13
BeamriderActivision1982C 2019/9/11
Beauty and the BeastImagic1982A- 2011/1/12
Body Slam: Super Pro WrestlingINTV1988B 2009/12/18
Bomb SquadMattel1982C 2000/3/19
BowlingMattel1982A 2000/4/13
BoxingMattel1980D- 2007/8/23
Bump N JumpMattel/Data East1982A 2007/8/18
BurgertimeData East1982A- 2014/8/17
Buzz BombersMattel1983F 2024/5/15
CarnivalColeco1983F 2000/9/17
CentipedeAtari1983B 2001/5/18
Championship TennisNice Ideas1986D+ 2014/8/3
Chip Shot Super Pro GolfINTV1987A- 2003/5/29
Christmas Carol Vs. the Ghost of Christmas PresentsLeft Turn Only2012A+ 2012/11/20
CommandoINTV1987B+ 2018/7/16
Congo BongoSega1983D 2017/7/30
D2K ArcadeElektronite2012A+ 2012/6/19
Deadlier Disc: Tron RebootedIntelligentVision2021B+ 2022/1/30
DefenderAtari1983A- 2002/9/22
Demon AttackImagic1982A 2006/3/5
Dig DugINTV1987A 2009/9/22
DinerINTV1987A 2004/6/4
Donkey KongColeco1981D 2016/2/4
Donkey Kong ArcadeCMJR2011A 2011/9/27
Donkey Kong JuniorColeco1983B 2016/2/4
DraculaImagic1983C- 2021/10/22
DragonfireImagic1982B 2002/2/5
Dreadnaught FactorActivision1983B+ 2021/4/15
FathomImagic1983D+ 2021/8/22
Frog BogMattel1982C+ 2007/8/18
FroggerParker Bros.1982B- 2000/3/19
Happy TrailsActivision1983A 2001/11/9
Horse RacingMattel1979B 2000/7/14
Hover ForceINTV1986C+ 2008/9/24
Ice TrekImagic1983D 2002/3/18
Kool-Aid ManMattel1983D 2001/11/9
Lady BugColeco1982A- 2021/4/15
Las Vegas Poker and BlackjackMattel1979A 2000/3/12
Lock N ChaseMattel1982A 2023/12/20
Lock N Chase 8KIntellivision Collector2023A 2024/10/16
LocomotionMattel1982B+ 2001/11/9
Major League BaseballMattel1979C+ 2001/4/14
Masters of the Universe: The Power of He-ManMattel1983B 2023/12/20
MicrosurgeonImagic1982D 2006/3/5
Mind StrikeMattel1982C 2012/4/11
MinehunterRyan Kinnen2004C- 2010/11/11
Mission XData East1982D- 2022/12/14
MotocrossMattel1983C+ 2021/10/10
Mountain Madness: Super Pro SkiingINTV1987A 2018/1/5
Mouse TrapColeco1982A- 2007/2/3
Ms. Night StalkerIntelligentVision2014B- 2014/12/7
Ms. Pac-ManIntelligentVision2014A 2015/2/3
Mystic CastleIntelligentVision2016A 2017/10/7
NASL SoccerMattel1979D 2001/11/9
NBA BasketballMattel1979D 2002/9/22
NFL FootballMattel1979B- 2008/9/24
NHL HockeyMattel1979F 2009/11/25
Night StalkerMattel1982C 2011/1/12
Nova BlastImagic1983C+ 2002/6/9
PGA GolfMattel1980B 2001/2/17
Pac-ManAtari1983A 2011/1/12
PinballMattel1983A 2022/12/14
PitfallActivision1982B 2015/8/21
Pole PositionINTV Corp1988D- 2023/6/3
PopeyeParker Bros.1983B- 2010/9/26
Princess QuestOscar Toledo2014B+ 2023/6/3
Q*bertParker Bros1983B 2001/5/18
River RaidActivision1982B 2019/5/27
Rocky & BullwinkleMattel1983F 2012/1/8
Royal DealerMattel1981B+ 2003/3/13
SafecrackerImagic1983D+ 2021/8/22
SameGame and RobotsMike Hayes2005B+ 2010/11/11
Scooby Doo's Maze ChaseMattel1983D- 2009/12/18
Sea BattleMattel1980C- 2000/9/17
Sewer SamInterphase1983F 2010/9/26
Shark! Shark!Mattel1982A+ 2022/9/2
Sharp ShotMattel1982B+ 2007/8/23
SkiingMattel1980B+ 2018/1/5
Slam Dunk Super Pro BasketballINTV1987B+ 2004/6/4
Slap Shot: Super Pro HockeyINTV1986D- 2009/11/25
SnafuMattel1981C 2002/2/5
Space ArmadaMattel1981D- 2010/3/31
Space BattleMattel1979A 2020/8/13
Space HawkMattel1981C+ 2000/3/26
Space PatrolLeft Turn Only2007A+ 2009/8/22
Space SpartansMattel1982B 2000/3/19
Spiker Super Pro VolleyballIntelligent Vision1989B+ 2019/9/11
Spina the BeeIntelligentVision2012C- 2012/4/11
Stadium Mud BuggiesINTV1988C- 2021/10/10
StampedeActivision1982A- 2009/9/22
Star StrikeMattel1982D 2000/4/13
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes BackParker Bros1983D+ 2007/2/3
StonixArnauld Chevallier2004A 2010/11/11
Sub HuntMattel1981C- 2018/7/16
Super Chef BTIntelligentVision2013A- 2014/8/17
Super CobraParker Bros.1983D+ 2019/5/27
Super NFL FootballMattel1983A- 2012/10/9
Super Pro BaseballIntelligentVision2016B+ 2017/8/27
Super Pro DecathlonINTV1988D 2024/7/23
Super Pro FootballINTV1986A- 2003/10/21
Super Pro TennisIntelligent Vision2013B+ 2014/8/3
Swords & SerpentsImagic1983B+ 2000/6/10
TennisMattel1980B- 2014/8/3
Thin IceINTV1986B 2009/3/31
Thunder CastleMattel1982A- 2017/10/7
Tower of DoomINTV1986B+ 2003/10/21
Triple ActionMattel1981D- 2007/8/18
Tron Deadly DiscsMattel1982B 2022/1/30
Tron Maze-A-TronMattel1982F 2000/3/15
Tron Solar SailorMattel1982F 2001/2/17
Tropical TroubleImagic1983C- 2003/3/13
Truckin'Imagic1983D 2003/3/13
TurboColeco1983C- 2012/6/19
TutankhamParker Bros.1983B 2016/10/19
UtopiaMattel1981C+ 2000/3/15
VectronMattel1982D 2009/11/25
VentureColeco1983B+ 2006/3/5
White WaterImagic1983C 2002/6/9
World Championship BaseballMattel1983B+ 2017/8/27
World Series Major League BaseballMattel1983C 2011/4/28
Worm WhomperActivision1983C 2008/4/7
ZaxxonSega1983D 2015/8/21

Total Intellivision reviews: 130

Screen shots courtesy of Video Game Museum, Games Database, Moby Games
