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A bigger problem with Agent Under Fire are its controls. They are reprehensible. Just trying to get from point A to B is exasperating. Eventually I learned you need to "point" the left stick to where you want to go. The button layout sucks too. Why would you assign X to shoot when you have a trigger available? You can modify the controls a bit but never to my satisfaction.
The missions are typical secret agent stuff as you infiltrate well-guarded facilities and save hot chicks tied to submarines. You'll encounter a lot of poorly-trained enemy soldiers who like to take cover behind the nearest red barrel. When you run out of ammo, just run up to a bad guy, punch him in the face, and take his gun. Just don't let him hit that alarm switch or your mission will come to an abrupt conclusion.
Under Fire's graphics are unimpressive with frequent glitches like soldiers floating or being partly embedded in walls. When Bond grabs some body armor, it sounds like he's zipping up his fly! It would be easy to write off Agent Under Fire... except for the driving stages. There are quite a few of these, and frankly, they are gangbusters. So much fun. Some give you the run of the town, causing mayhem as you plow through cafes and knock down fire hydrants.
The multiplayer mode suffers from quirky controls but its fast-paced, run-and-gun gameplay will appeal to some. Agent Under Fire may be a bit underdeveloped, but it served as a prelude to some quality 007 games EA would soon publish. © Copyright 2021 The Video Game Critic.
The game's third-person perspective, combined with crisp lock-on controls make picking off bad guys a blast. The default difficulty is "agent" and you won't last long if you don't employ sensible tactics. Driving stages provide big thrills as you blast through burning facilities and speed under crumbling Egyptian ruins. Unfortunately the game was designed to use the PS2's ill-advised "pressure sensitive" buttons, so you'll feel the need to crush X the whole time just to maintain your speed. Your GPS is an effective tool, especially when you're tracking an adversary or trying to avoid local authorities.
The game has a lot of memorable moments, like a wild car chase through New Orleans and a shootout in a graveyard on a stormy night. Some of the missions are a bit confusing, like when you're told to rescue an agent during a car chase. You're told not to hurt her, yet you *will* need to shoot the car she's in! The acting is quite good and there's some cool plot twists. Even Bond's longtime nemesis Jaws even gets in on the fun. The stages are short and sweet, and between them your progress is saved via a simple ten-step process.
Everything or Nothing falters on the multiplayer front. You need to "unlock" this mode by completing co-op missions, and playing split-screen from a third-person view is awkward and hard to see. Otherwise Everything or Nothing may be the most polished PS2 game I've seen, with an elegant interface rendered in sleek silver colors. The game looks like a million bucks and even contains a making-of documentary. With so much variety, a sweeping orchestrated score, and real actors driving the narrative, this may be the ultimate single-player 007 experience. © Copyright 2021 The Video Game Critic.
I had to fiddle with the control scheme and even then the game managed to confuse me at times. So it's telling me to press the action button, but what is that?! As it turns out, it's the square (reload) button. Likewise using the right trigger to employ a gadget seemed counterintuitive. Nightfire's first-person shooting action is great fun though, partly due to the nifty auto-aim whose accuracy is a function of the skill level you choose. You'll need that auto-aim when trying to save cute geisha girls being held at gunpoint.
The enemy AI could be better. Shoot a bad guy and he just scoots over a few feet and reassumes his position. The lack of a map is glaring, especially in some of the maze-like stages. The game excels however in terms of graphics and exciting Call of Duty-ish stages. The first few areas feature breathtaking winter scenery and I could tell right away that snowy-castle-at-night was going to make an awesome multiplayer map. There's an exhilarating snowmobile ride followed by a break-neck car chase through a quaint snow-covered town.
Another visual highlight happens later in the game when you find yourself on the top floor of a skyscraper at night. The view of the city from the windows was so amazing all I could do was gawk. Heck, even the grungy industrial stages look cool because everything is so realistic. Unfortunately Nightfire's lack of movie license proves to be its downfall. The story doesn't make much sense and the acting is subpar to say the least. The dialog is laughable when it's not supposed to be, and embarrassing when it is.
The obligatory multiplayer split-screen mode is very challenging, as there's no auto-aim to rely on. I also like how you can fill out the missing players with bots. Nightfire isn't the best Bond game but it's pretty darn good. If you're a fan of Pierce Brosnan's Bond you'll enjoy watching him do his thing in this exciting original adventure. © Copyright 2021 The Video Game Critic.
Responsive analog steering lets you turn on a dime and hilly sections of a course let you get into a rhythm. Clever "preload" controls let you maximize your jumps, and a chaotic leapfrog effect occurs as other ATVs fall out of the sky around you. The physics is convincing and it's fun to watch opponents crash and bounce around like rag dolls. Braking is important not only to maintain control around sharp turns, but also to ensure you land on the downward slope of each hill. You need to get a feel for it.
I love how the number of seconds you're running behind the leader is displayed in the corner - in real time! ATV Offroad's high-octane soundtrack kicks ass with artists like Alice in Chains ("Them Bones"), Soundgarden ("Spoonman"), and Anthrax. The addictive career mode lets you gradually unlock new tracks. Some races run a little too long, but at least CPU opponents occasionally wreck to give you a chance.
The four-player split-screen is a great feature, even though messages on the screen can get in the way of the road ahead. Offroad Fury is just plain fun, and even those not familiar with ATVs can appreciate this cool arcade racer. © Copyright 2013 The Video Game Critic.
The tracks are narrower this time around, and the low camera angle can make it hard to see what's ahead while climbing a steep hill. Some courses could be better defined. There were times I thought I had discovered a shortcut only to be told to get back on the course. It's not a bad strategy to follow the CPU racers for the first lap or two. I would also exercise caution when executing tricks, as they tend to be extremely risky.
ATV2's graphics are slightly improved over the original, and I like how your rider leans into turns. The single-player championship mode is fun, although the default number of laps (5) is a little long. The multiplayer split-screen exhibits some "fog" but it's still a good time. The courses include a sandy white beach, a snowy ski slope, a rainy bayou, and a muddy trailer park. I wouldn't bother with the stadium courses, which tend to be boring as hell.
ATV2's rugged soundtrack packs more big names like Garbage ("Parade"), Korn ("Here To Stay"), and The Beastie Boys ("So Whatcha Want"). A handy auto-save feature saves you progress between races, as well as best times. Having not played the game in many years, it was interesting to see the initials of old friends. I'm still trying to figure out who "BALS" is.
ATV2's headline feature was its ability to race on-line. That was a novel concept in 2002 but obviously it's no longer supported. The game has a slew of customization options, mainly for inconsequential details like your gloves, boots, goggles, etc. The best additions are the four-player mini-games, including an ice hockey variation that's an absolute riot. ATV Offroad Fury 2 has its up and downs, but I think it's a worthy sequel. © Copyright 2013 The Video Game Critic.
The tracks tend to be narrow but banked turns make it easy to round corners without taking your thumb off the accelerator. The scenery is unspectacular but it's fun to drive through abandoned industrial facilities and ride over creaky wooden bridges. Weather effects add to the fun in the form of blowing snow and rumbling thunderstorms. I like how the raindrops bead on your goggles. The races often feel like competitive roller coaster rides. Sometimes the game tells me "You got the holeshot!" Am I supposed to know what that means?
ATV3 gives you the option of using the right stick as you accelerator and brake, but I prefer the buttons. The soundtrack incorporates popular artists like Good Charlotte, Keith Urban, Garbage, and Joan Jett. On the down side, the load times border on extreme. I also noticed that the game has an annoying tendency to improperly orient you on the track after a wreck.
When selecting tracks in the multiplayer mode, there's no picture or preview of the track - just a non-descriptive name. The four-player split screen is nice but there are some frame-rate glitches here and there. It's a shame ATV3 has so many minor, nagging issues, because at its core this is a thrilling racer. © Copyright 2013 The Video Game Critic.
I love power sliding around gravelly corners in a buggy, and the extra weight of the trucks gives them a half-way-out-of-control, reckless feel. The bikes and ATVs clock amazing hang-time, allowing you to perform insane daredevil stunts 50+ feet in the air. Points earned let you purchase and upgrade vehicles. For vehicles that can't perform tricks, points are racked up by performing extended power slides.
ATV4's physics feels convincing which makes the action all the more satisfying. The courses are wide, easy to follow, and the scenery is rich with natural beauty. A new story mode puts you in the role of a washed-up racer trying to make a comeback, and the main villain has an outrageous accent. It's entirely unnecessary (the mode and the accent), but it's just one of many modes available.
The soundtrack plays less of a role in this game, and you'll probably need to adjust the settings just to hear it. Otherwise it's pretty hard to find fault with ATV4. As a sweet bonus, the game also includes its own track editor. A fitting conclusion to the series, ATV4 throws in everything but the kitchen sink. I guess you could consider this a prelude to the Motorstorm series for the PS3. © Copyright 2013 The Video Game Critic.
Mission briefings offer detailed maps and diagrams, but it usually boils down to destroying all enemy planes and ground installations. In the cockpit you barely need to look at any instruments, as a helpful arrow keeps you pointed to your next target, a la Rogue Squadron.
The graphics are breathtaking at times, and responsive controls give you a visceral sense of freedom as you effortlessly perform crazy maneuvers. Heck, I was even able to land on an aircraft carrier on my very first try. Your radio not only broadcasts your squad's dialogue but picks up your adversaries as well.
Controller vibration is used to good effect, with thrust providing excellent force-feedback. If you own the Flightstick 2 controller (released with Ace Combat 5) you can use that too. The missions are only moderately difficult but the timer can bite you if you don't pay attention. Ace Combat 4 is the ideal jet fighter, combining the realistic visuals of a simulation with the gameplay of an arcade title. © Copyright 2020 The Video Game Critic.
Ace Combat has always straddled the line between realism and arcade, but this chapter takes itself a little too seriously. Its melodramatic storyline subjects you to boring cutscenes about fictional nations with cheesy names like Yuktobania. Is this a video game or a really awful movie? You begin each mission already with the air with an arrow highlighting your next target. Firing heat-seeking missiles is fun, especially when you see that "destroyed" confirmation. Keep an eye on your altitude, as the horizon tends to be hazy and it's easy to forget which way is up. It's downright alarming when you find yourself flying too low and have to pull up to avoid impact.
Visibility is usually limited, but when you do get to see cities, bridges, and islands they look pretty real. The radio chatter is pretty much nonstop - it's like a party line up there! Most of the time I have no [expletive] idea what they're talking about. The campaign mode delivers some intense moments as you try to protect a base or escort an aircraft carrier out of a bay. When you run out of missiles you're limited to guns, which is not a good spot to be in. Fortunately you can issue orders to your squadron like attack, cover, or disperse.
The cut-scenes between stages try to convey some interpersonal drama, but it feels sappy and the voice acting is bad. Did they use the programmers to save money? Ace Combat 5 has its moments, but I'm not sure I'd play it without this big honking controller. Side note: After taking it out of storage for several years, I discovered my controller was covered in sticky residue, but I was able to remove it using rubbing alcohol. © Copyright 2020 The Video Game Critic.
The first mission is exhilarating as you soar over a snowy mountain range intercepting enemy aircraft. I quickly learned you need to be extra careful about maintaining your altitude in mountainous regions. The gameplay hasn't changed much, as you chase around an arrow attempting to lock-on your next target. Unleashing a guided missile results in "hit", "destroyed", or "neutralized". "Neutralized" usually means the enemy is smoking, making it a sitting duck for a kill shot.
Zero's missions are spread over larger areas so you'll need to travel between locations to complete your mission. The problem is that I can only see the long-range map via the pause menu. The difficulty is up there, and it took me a half dozen tries just to complete the first mission. Some of the more lengthy missions had me clutching the controls like grim death.
At first I got into the habit of firing two missiles at a time, but learned you need to conserve missiles or run out. Once you're left with your gun, good luck. Your HUD alerts you when there's a "bandit in gun range" but damn, trying to keep one in your sights is like trying to pick up a watermelon seed! I must have spent the better part of an hour trying to pick off the last plane of one mission. Ace Combat experts will immerse themselves in the realism Zero brings, but more casual fighter pilots should steer clear. © Copyright 2020 The Video Game Critic.
That's all of Activision's Atari 2600 titles, along with a few Imagic titles (Atlantis, Demon Attack), some Absolute games (Baseball, Tomcat F14), and even a few previously unreleased games that are surprisingly good. Nostalgic gamers will appreciate seeing the games they played as a kid, and most of these have held up well over the years and are still great fun.
Anthology also treats you to an excellent selection of 80's background music, including "Take On Me", "Always Something There To Remind Me", "Safety Dance", and "The Tide Is High". I loved hearing these songs so much that I wish they had included more than 12 tracks. Better yet, these songs play uninterrupted as you peruse the menus and switch between games.
To maximize the replay value, Activision has included a list of "unlockables" which let you open goodies like [iron-on] patches, unconventional play modes, and old Activision commercials. The sixteen new playing modes include blur video mode, the tilt-o-vision mode, and the disco mode. Generally, these convey the illusion of playing the games while on some kind of mind-altering drug, and they're only mildly amusing. The corny old commercials are the real prizes here. I even recognized the late Phil Hartman in the Ice Hockey commercial.
With so many cool features, you'd think this was the perfect compilation, but not quite. First of all, Kaboom, arguably the best classic Activision game, is virtually unplayable thanks to an atrocious analog control scheme (it used paddle controllers originally). Secondly, there's NO way to save your high scores!! Anyone familiar with these oldies knows that the whole point of these games was to play for high score, and this would NOT have been hard to incorporate. Boy, Activision really dropped the ball on that one!
Next, although you can toggle the difficulty switches, it's never indicated visually whether they are set to "A" or "B", which is especially annoying when you consider that these switches could mean the difference between an easy skill level and a hard one. Blatant oversights like this lead me to believe that the developers were NOT very familiar with these games and likely viewed them as novelties not to be taken seriously. Next time, Activision should call me in as a consultant. © Copyright 2002 The Video Game Critic.
The control scheme is a mixed bag. Throwing the ball is easy, but it sucks that you have to press R2 to dive. Like its N64 predecessor, it's too hard to hit the ball and there are annoying pauses between pitches, causing the game to move at a snail's pace. I was impressed however with the variety of the pitches. Each pitcher has his own arsenal, with stuff like four-seam fastballs, circle changes, cutters, and "slurves". The more you aim your pitch away from the strike zone, the more your controller vibrates. Unfortunately, your friend isn't likely to swing when he sees your controller doing about 6.5 on the Richter scale!
The fielders are small, but at least you have some room to track down fly balls. Unfortunately, there is a noticeable pause between the time the fielder catches the ball and throws it; it's as if he can't get the darned thing out of his glove! In addition, the ball doesn't connect very well with the fielder's gloves, and players don't always throw in the same direction they're facing.
The pitchers flag down too many grounders, sometimes even DIVE for the ball, something that should never happen in a serious baseball game. The voice commentary is sparse and dull, and the crowd seems pretty disinterested as well. Other problems are downright unforgivable, like the lack of a voluntary instant replay system. The announcers call the homeruns and foul balls immediately, leaving no room for any kind of drama.
This game does have at least one innovative feature: the home team mascot dances on top of the dugout between innings, and I got a kick out of it, although the Oriole mascot scared me a little. With his small head and lanky body, he looked more like the Fly instead of a bird. All-Star baseball is fair for a first generation PS2 game, but there's plenty of room for improvement. © Copyright 2001 The Video Game Critic.
The high profile artists include Garbage, Pink, David Bowie, and Blink 182. You even get Run-DMC's classic anthem "King of Rock". Amplitude's visuals have a psychedelic look, which when combined with music can put you in almost a Zen-like state.
Each of a song's "tracks" represent a different sound in the song, like voice, bass, or drums. To maintain your energy level, you'll need to compete "phrases", or sequences of notes on a track. This causes that instrument to kick in for a while, making the song sound more complete. Some tracks are easier than others, so it's wise to move out of a tricky one you're having trouble with.
Pressing three shoulder buttons to match the rhythms on the screen is not easy, but at least this game is more forgiving than Frequency. You also have the option of using the square/triangle/circle buttons, but as the training mode explains (correctly), one thumb isn't enough when the action gets fast.
Amplitude is a cool game to kick back with on a Saturday night after you've had a few drinks. It's not very deep, but its flashy visuals and excellent soundtrack are mesmerizing. If you're a popular music fan, you owe it to yourself to check out Amplitude. © Copyright 2004 The Video Game Critic.
Sure enough, Arctic Thunder delivered on its promise to offer that same brand of high-speed arcade racing, only this time with snow speeders and more emphasis on combat and power-ups. The tracks are pretty amazing and loaded with surprises. You'll race through the White House in a snowed-in Washington DC, careen through a haunted graveyard at night, and barrel through an out-of-control Chernobyl power plant. There are so many diverse and enclosed locations that you may forget this is supposed to be a snow game.
The action is non-stop, and even when you get knocked off your sled by an opponent, the game immediately puts you back on track - and at full speed no less! Unfortunately, the developers had no clue how to harness the PS2's graphic capabilities, and as a result Arctic Thunder's frame-rate alternates between fair and unbearable! When the missiles are flying and speeders are soaring off cliffs, the game stutters terribly, making it hard to determine what's going on. Personally, I would have been satisfied with an option to turn off the weapons altogether, especially if it would have improved the visuals.
Another problem is the non-existent collision detection, which allows you to plow through all sorts of solid objects without even slowing down. Arctic Thunder could have been spectacular, but instead it's a choppy mess. If you're really interested in this game, check out the Xbox version, which is still flawed but at least addresses the abysmal frame-rate problem. © Copyright 2005 The Video Game Critic.
The main navigation screen is bloated to say the least. You have the obligatory (and overused) "garage" area, which gives you a place to tune up your robot. There's the "shop" that lets you replace and upgrade every last nut and bolt, which is far too tedious for me. Then there's "email" where you constantly receive messages updating you on the current political and economic situation (worse than spam!).
When you're ready for action, you can accept missions or engage in one-on-one "arena" battles. The missions are extremely uninteresting and confusing - just be sure to strafe a lot and shoot non-stop. The control scheme is remarkably awkward. Believe it or not, you have to use the digital pad to move! The analog joysticks are completely wasted on secondary functions. The bottom shoulder buttons aim up and down, which makes absolutely no sense. Enemies tend to run circles around you, and turning your mech around is painfully slow. But wait - it gets worse!
When you fail a mission, you actually lose credits, and you'll soon find yourself knee-deep in debt. There's no "restart" option, unless you want to go through the reload process, that is. Another irritant is the fact that you cannot skip through all of the mission text, which is absolute torture when you have to repeat a mission. Armored Core 2 is simply a bad game. Save your money! © Copyright 2002 The Video Game Critic.
The first Art of Fighting game features ten characters, but only two are playable in the story mode. This mode provides some precious dialogue exchanges like "Hey Mister - where's Yuri?" "Ask for it with your power!" Art of Fighting 2 (AoF2) expands the roster to 12, all of which are selectable. If you don't count the androgynous "King", Yuri Sakazaki (with her butt attack) is the lone female representative. The action is more spastic in AoF2, with rapid-fire moves that can render an opponent momentarily paralyzed or floating in the air.
AoF2 feels like an extension of the first game, but Art of Fighting 3 gave the series a complete overhaul. The bulk of its ten characters are brand new, including the pudgy Wang Koh San (with his big backpack) and the lasso-wielding cowgirl Lenny Creston. The backdrops are rendered in a slightly richer style, and the overall presentation is more cinematic, with brief "endings" for each match. This third edition also gives you the ability to attack characters while they're lying on the ground.
All three Art of Fighting games are a feast for the eyes, with imaginative animated backdrops including a stable, airport, gym, and outdoor cafe. The degree of detail is limited slightly by the scaling feature, but there's still plenty of eye candy. I tend to relish the details, like a thunderstorm that can be seen raging outside the door of the gym. Art of Fighting's controls tend to mimic the Street Fighter 2 style, but are less forgiving and require exact movements to execute special moves.
This Anthology is a good deal, but it's fairly bare bones. I wish SNK had included some historical information, or an easy way to view the high scores. Even so, those with fond memories of the days when 2D fighting was king will want to pick this up without a second thought. Note: Those who enjoy this package should also check out Fatal Fury Battle Archives. © Copyright 2007 The Video Game Critic.
There's no money involved (you open stuff after each race), but there's still a complicated "garage" system that contains layers upon layers of menus to customize your car. I found this bloated menu system to be a major turn off. Just to save my game I had to wade through SEVEN prompts!!
The controls are similar to those in Ridge Racer, but the drifting seems a bit excessive. Also, hitting walls doesn't slow you down much, so it's often a better option than trying to make the turn! While the graphics are attractive for the most part, the "wind sheer" lines are distracting, and you can't help but notice some sloppy anti-aliasing effects (unintended colors and lines) in the backgrounds of some tracks.
In the one-player "career mode", hints and instructions arrive nonstop in the forms of "emails", but who wants to take the time to read all of these things? Modellista is also lacking in terms of audio. There's a wide variety of music, yet none of it is particularly good, and that announcer ("Keep rockin' baby!") is irritating to say the least. One highly touted yet unwanted feature lets you edit your instant replays into little music videos.
There is an online play option, although it comes with this disclaimer: "Game Experience May Change During Online Play". I don't know what that means, but who knows, maybe you'll find yourself levitating in the air. Anyway, once you get past the colorful graphics, Auto Modellista is a very unspectacular racing game that probably won't satisfy simulation OR arcade fans. © Copyright 2003 The Video Game Critic.
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