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Nintendo 64 Reviews F-I

F-1 Formula One World Grand Prix
Grade: C
Publisher: Video System Co. (1998)
Posted: 2016/6/12

screenshotIt may boast the fastest cars in the world, but F1 racing is more about strategy than speed. Taking the best lines, selecting the proper tires, and knowing when to pit is critical. Formula One Grand Prix is a realistic racer with actual courses and real racers including the legendary Michael Schumacher. A lot of finesse is required to navigate tight turns, and pedal-to-the-metal players will find themselves plowing into the nearest barricade.

The cars look remarkably true to life, and the tracks border on photo-realistic. The scenery tends to be hazy and dull however, except for the Monaco track with its scenic skyline overlooking a harbor. Offering a generous number of modes and options, Formula One lets you play exhibition, time trial, two-player split screen, or a battery-backed season. A rumble pack helps you get a feel for the road but the bumpier your ride, the worse you're doing. I like how my team transmits frequent updates over the radio. Success usually hinges upon knowing the tracks inside and out.

To its credit Formula One World Grand Prix does attempt to cater to the casual crowd by offering an auto-braking feature that slows you when approaching turns. That may be blasphemy to die-hards like my friend Brent, but for me it's the only way to go. My primary issue with the game is the camera. The default view is so close, it's tricky to gauge upcoming turns.

When you make contact with anything the camera tends to swing wildly or reverse itself, making it hard to recover gracefully. Why do racing games do that? The lack of a rear-view mirror is also worthy of mention. You can hold in a button to bring up that view, but it's not the same. Casual racing fans will find it hard to get excited about Formula One World Grand Prix, but serious F1 fans can bump up the grade by a letter. © Copyright 2016 The Video Game Critic.

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F-Zero X
Grade: A-
Publisher: Nintendo (1998)
Posted: 2024/4/9

screenshotThe original F-Zero (SNES, 1991) astonished players with its ultra-smooth mode-7 graphics. This illusion of speed helped compensate for its flat tracks and sparse futuristic scenery. F-Zero X follows in its footsteps but its gravity-defying 3D tracks add a whole new dimension. The screaming guitars on the title screen make it clear this isn't your big brother's F-Zero!

The tracks tend to be very wide which helps accommodate a field of 30 gliding vehicles. 30! Each sports not only a unique look, but different speed and handling characteristics. Before each race you can precisely rebalance your vehicle between acceleration and max speed. The track design often factors into your decision.

These tracks twist and turn all over the place. There are even loops, but they are so sprawling you might not even know you're on one. You can lean into turns by pressing the trigger (lean left) and right bumper (lean right). Jumping ramps on the Red Canyon track is exhilarating. Just be sure to safely guide yourself to the next section of track, making adjustments in mid-air.

The sensation of speed is thrilling as you weave your way through the field while trying not to bang on the guard rails. Some sections of advanced tracks have no rails, and let me tell you, you'll feel like you're teetering on the edge of oblivion! Fortunately the analog control stick provides the precision steering you need.

The energy meter adds a lot of strategy. It drains when you collide with something or engage your turbo. If it completely drains you'll blow up and it's game over. Skimming over the occasional pink "pit stop" areas lets you recharge. Managing this energy is a tightrope act that can spell the difference between victory and retirement.

The GP Race mode updates your standing between matches. While it's difficult to place first, a few top-five finishes might earn you enough points to get over the top. Each circuit is just five events, and each race is only a few minutes long. I always felt the races in the original F-Zero were a little too long, so this is refreshing.

The four-person multiplayer is exceptionally good. While distant "fog" can make it difficult to anticipate upcoming turns, the fluid frame-rate maintains a breakneck pace.

F-Zero X doesn't feature much eye candy; the scenery is pretty much a non-factor. But it doesn't really matter because your attention will be completely absorbed by the high-speed, white-knuckle racing action. © Copyright 2024 The Video Game Critic.

Save mechanism: battery
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Fighter Destiny 2
Grade: D
Publisher: Southpeak Interactive (2000)
Posted: 2006/12/30
Rating: Teen

screenshotIf you thought all fighting games for the Nintendo 64 sucked, Fighter Destiny 2 will do little to change your mind. Destiny is cheesy with a capital "C". Its unlikable cast of characters includes a clown named Pierre, a Dennis Rodman look-alike (wearing a jock strap no less), a ninja named "Ninja", and an emaciated cow. The "Abdul" character is so insulting it could set back relations with the Middle East by ten years. The scantily clad Brazilian dancer caught my attention, but like the rest of the characters, she looks awfully blocky. Perhaps that's why the camera keeps its distance - to hide the lack of detail.

Fighter Destiny 2 is one of the few N64 titles that favors the directional pad over the analog stick. The control scheme seems simplistic at first (mainly limited to the A and B buttons), but there's more to this game than meets the eye. I was surprised by the ability to escape throw attempts, apply locks, and execute counters. Unlike every other fighting game ever made, rounds are won by scoring points earned by executing ring-outs, throw-downs, counters, or special moves. The default scoring system seems a bit unfair (a throw-down is worth more than a ring-out), but you can adjust these to your heart's content.

The fighting action is fair but lacking in intensity, and the hits seem awfully soft. The elevated platforms are pixelated as hell, and the scenic backdrops look totally flat. An annoying commentator constantly runs his yapper with idiotic comments like "C'mon let's do it!" and "You need to fight harder!" The music is generally awful, some of it sounding like an out-of-tune accordion. Besides the normal fighting modes, a "Fighter's Arena" mode lets you traverse a game board between fighting challenges. This adds some replay value, allowing you to build up your character with new moves and enhanced attributes. There are a few novel concepts here, but not enough to complete with the Tekkens or Virtua Fighters of the world. Fighter Destiny 2, like its predecessor, is destined to fade into obscurity. © Copyright 2006 The Video Game Critic.

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Goldeneye 007
Grade: B-

screenshotFirst-person shooters were the rage on PCs in the 1990's, with LAN parties popping up all over so people could engage in multiplayer combat. Goldeneye 007 filled that niche in the console world, offering quality first-person shooting with a four-player split-screen. LAN parties could be logistical nightmares but anyone with a Nintendo 64 and a few controllers could engage in a raucous multiplayer deathmatch. It was great at the time but Goldeneye hasn't aged well.

I'm reviewing this game from a present-day perspective, so please don't get mad out there! The framerate is fairly smooth but the maze-like arenas are repetitive and the graphics look muddy. I found myself running in circles, struggling just to locate my friends. There's a slew of customization options but no way to add CPU opponents.

The single-player campaign has aged much better. It reprises exotic locations from the film like a massive dam, snowy Siberia, and an Egyptian temple. The attention to detail is commendable with sophisticated operating facilities, destructible environments, and satisfying explosions. The character models are angular but their digitized faces are notable. The blood is modest but I love how gunned-down soldiers scream and contort their bodies like ragdolls. It's like I'm fighting an army of Pinocchios for crying out loud!

The smooth framerate and ability to strafe makes navigating narrow corridors a breeze. Stealth is sometimes called for but it's hard to avoid frantic shootouts. The nifty auto-aim lets you mow down enemy soldiers with ease, piling up bodies in the doorways. The missions are short but the objectives are so specific it often takes several attempts to complete them properly.

The audio is outstanding, serving up crisp sound effects and a pulse-pounding musical score. Goldeneye may not be what it once was, but it will remain one of the most celebrated titles for the Nintendo 64. For fans I'd recommend its superior sequel, 007: The World Is Not Enough (Electronic Arts, 2000). © Copyright 2016 The Video Game Critic.

Save mechanism: controller pack
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Hey You, Pikachu!
Grade: F
Publisher: Nintendo (2000)
Posted: 2007/12/30
Rating: Everyone

screenshotMy little nephew is currently going through a Pokemon phase, so when he walked into my game room he made a beeline for Hey You Pikachu. I'm glad, because it was probably the only excuse I'd ever have to review what one reader referred to as "a wisp of a game about nothing". Packaged with a microphone, Hey You Pikacku was an early attempt by Nintendo to incorporate voice recognition technology, and the results are not good.

The game is played in virtual days, with the little yellow guy visiting your bedroom window each morning and inviting you on field trips to forests, beaches, meadows, and other boring places. Once there, you'll spend a lot of time watching Pikachu frolic around, much to the delight of my nephew, who laughed out loud while watching Pikachu's ultra-cute antics. Personally, I wanted to skewer the thing.

Although clearly aimed at young kids, Hey You Pikachu is inexplicably loaded with verbose text which I was forced to read aloud. After a while, even my nephew was mashing buttons to expedite the process! Interacting with Pikachu is done by issuing voice commands, but the interface for this is absolutely deplorable. You have to hold in the Z button to enable the microphone - something I had to constantly remind my nephew of. This causes a "voice bubble" to grow on the bottom of the screen, and when it "pops" your voice message is sent to Pikachu.

The problem is, you feel compelled to speak the whole time the bubble is growing, despite the fact that you really don't have much (if anything) to say. To be frank, I don't think it even matters what you say, because Pikachu seems to do whatever the hell he feels like. Playing Hey You Pikachu is like trying to pick up a watermelon seed - there's a lot of effort involved but minimal reward. I actually began to feel physically ill while reviewing this. With its verbose text and user-hostile interface, Hey You Pikachu is probably the most worthless game in my entire collection. © Copyright 2007 The Video Game Critic.

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Hydro Thunder
Grade: B+
Publisher: Midway (2000)
Posted: 2016/8/15
Rating: Everyone

screenshotFor the longest time I completely ignored the Nintendo 64 version of Hydro Thunder. After all, I already own the excellent Dreamcast edition. What could this possibly have to offer? Quite a bit actually! Far from the murky visuals and sluggish framerate I was expecting, this retains all the razzle dazzle and arcade flair that made the game so enticing to begin with.

Given a selection of turbo-charged speedboats you'll blaze through awe-inspiring locations like a prehistoric lost world, the arctic circle, the Greek Isles, and the Far East. The eye candy is abundant and it's fun to uncover shortcuts and secrets. Instead of a watered-down version of the Dreamcast game this feels more like a remix. I noticed a lot of cool effects and subtle details in the scenery I didn't catch on the Dreamcast. I will admit the turbo boost is less pronounced, undermining the game's sense of speed. Sometimes you'll ram an opponent and propel them further ahead, which is bogus. High scores for all tracks are saved to the controller pack and there's rumble pack support as well.

The most surprising feature is split-screen support for up to four players - something lacking on the Dreamcast. The three and four-player modes are definitely sluggish but better than nothing. I just wish the game didn't abruptly end when the winner crossed the finish line. With three or four players, knowing who comes in second is kind of a big deal! I wouldn't buy Hydro Thunder for its multiplayer alone, but N64 fans craving pure arcade fun won't be disappointed. © Copyright 2016 The Video Game Critic.

Save mechanism: controller pack
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Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine
Grade: F
Publisher: LucasArts (2000)
Posted: 2009/12/15

screenshotDespite its big-name license Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine was only available as a Blockbuster rental - and for good reason! Infernal Machine's storyline is captivating enough, but its stage design is poor and its playability is rock bottom. It's the beginning of the cold war and the Russians are trying to locate an ancient machine capable of summoning demons from other dimensions. Brief cut scenes convey the story through blocky characters that make bold gestures to compensate for their non-moving lips. It looks hilarious when the female removes her pilot cap and shakes out that pixelated, chunky hair of hers.

You'll travel to exotic locations around the globe including China's Tian Shan River with its snowy mountains and howling winds. The control scheme borrows heavily from Zelda: Ocarina of Time, using context-sensitive buttons, a Z-targeting mechanism, and the ability to assign items to the C buttons.

Infernal Machine can be a nightmare to play. The camera is totally manual, so positioning yourself for a jump is a tedious exercise. There are times when Indy can leap over a 50-foot chasm with no running start, and other times he can't hop across a three-foot stream without falling to his death! You'll often need to hang from perilous ledges, but it's hard to determine which ledges you're permitted to hang from!

The context-sensitive controls are real pain in the ass. When standing next to a ladder you'll often have to finagle with the thumbstick just to get the "climb" indicator to appear. Considering the difficult moves you're expected to make in the early going, such erratic controls are unforgivable. Even when you know exactly what to do you'll struggle mightily. During advanced stages demons materialize on top of you, resulting in instant death.

I was hoping the driving stages might be a bright spot but they have problems of their own. I enjoyed the rollercoaster feel of the minecart ride, but while driving a jeep up a mountain I suddenly found myself suspended in some blue alternate universe. More infuriating than infernal, this buggy Indiana Jones adventure is for collectors only. © Copyright 2009 The Video Game Critic.

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International Superstar Soccer
Grade: C
Publisher: Konami (1997)
Posted: 2018/8/4
Rating: Kids to Adults

screenshotThe Nintendo 64 was known for multiplayer action so when a group of friends came over I couldn't wait to bust out International Superstar Soccer. This is a good-looking title with colorful, fluidly-animated players. The game has an arcade flair with a wide range of customization features. We consulted the manual for the controls but all we found was page after page of complicated tables. The button combinations used to perform special moves are overwhelming!

The manual explained heel lifts, feints, and loop shots, but frankly we just wanted to know how to kick the freaking ball! Eventually we figured out that A is pass and B is shoot. Why the [expletive] didn't they just say so? The problem with having four players on one team is that each has a slightly different symbol of the same color. Especially from a side angle view these pixelated icons are hard to tell apart. I couldn't locate my player half the time and the flashing radar display wasn't much help.

Playing two-on-two was an improvement, at least until I decided to shove my opponent's goalie to the ground just for the fun of it. Would you believe that by earning a red card my team automatically lost? Since when does a red card end the freaking game?! You're probably better off playing Superstar Soccer solo. It's easy to pass the ball around and maintain possession thanks to a helpful marker that highlights the player you're passing to. Still, certain moves seem overly complicated, such as pressing R + right yellow button + B for a long pass.

A spirited British commentator tosses out funny lines like "a cracking shot!" and "yes! the ball is dispossessed!" Each game only runs about ten minutes which is just long enough. International Superstar Soccer is more complicated than it needs to be but if you're willing to invest a little time this isn't a bad way to get your kicks. © Copyright 2018 The Video Game Critic.

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International Track & Field 2000
Grade: B
Publisher: Konami (2000)
Posted: 2007/1/14
Rating: Everyone

screenshotI've always had a thing for these four-player track-and-field games. The variety of events tends to even out the competition, so even if you suck at pole vaulting, you can make up for it in the 100-meter dash. When playing against friends, you'll experience some hilarious moments like long jumpers who land on their asses (missing the sand completely), and shot-putters throw in the wrong direction (including straight up).

Track and Field 2000's tournament mode is composed of twelve events, and they're slightly randomized which adds additional drama. Each is preceded by an elaborate tutorial depicting a virtual controller and a liquid-metal man (the T-1000?) acting out its commands. These cinematics may have looked impressive at one time, but they unfold too slowly and in some cases overcomplicate things. A few seconds would have been sufficient I think.

On the field, the action is competitive and exciting. The athletes sport a decidedly angular look, but at least they have muscles texture-mapped onto their polygons. Their animation is lifelike, and they even react appropriately to their performances. Slow-motion replays provide some nifty camera angles, and professional-sounding PA announcers broadcast the introductions and results.

My friends and I enjoyed most of the events, but there are a few clunkers in the mix. The weight lifting is ridiculously overcomplicated, the gymnastics is boring, and the lengthy swimming events are arduous at best. Clearly Track and Field 2000 could have been streamlined a bit, but that doesn't prevent it from being a worthwhile sports title. © Copyright 2007 The Video Game Critic.

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Screen shots courtesy of IGN.com, Lemon64.com, Moby Games, YouTube, Games Database, Classic-Games.net