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Tales of Xillia (Guest reviewer DaHeckIzDat)
Grade: C+
Publisher: Bandai Namco (2013)
Posted: 2016/6/21
Rating: Teen (blood, mild language, sexual themes, use of alcohol, violence)

screenshotThe "Tales Of" games may not be the titan franchise Final Fantasy is, but this Japanese RPG has a lot going for it. Like any JRPG worth its spiky hair, Tales of Xillia features an exciting storyline first and foremost. The game follows Jude and Milla, an unlikely duo caught in the middle of an evil king's conspiracy to kill the world's spirits and harness their powers to conquer the planet.

Xillia boasts two unique storylines (Jude or Milla), each of which take about 75 hours to beat. I recommend tackling Jude's story first since most of the cutscenes happen from his perspective. That said, the storyline was so good I didn't mind playing it twice to experience Milla's side, scant as it is. A strong story compensates for some decidedly average gameplay. While the towns look and feel alive with wandering pedestrians and shouting merchants, the paths you take to get from one to the other are less interesting. Canyon walls keep you from exploring too far, and the environments and monsters tend to be color-swapped variations.

The fighting however is a breath of fresh air. Played in real time, you move your character left and right in a 3D arena, holding the thumbstick in different directions to perform attacks. It feels like you're playing a fighting game - something no other RPG has done. Too bad the difficulty is so low. Even on the hardest setting enemies are pushovers, and the only way you'll ever die is if you deliberately go looking for monsters several levels above you. If you favor pure action and adventure Xillia may be a tough sell. But if you're someone who can get invested in a compelling story, sit back and enjoy the ride. © Copyright 2016 The Video Game Critic.

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Tales of Xillia 2 (Guest reviewer DaHeckIzDat)
Grade: C-
Publisher: Bandai Namco (2014)
Posted: 2017/4/30
Rating: Teen (mild language, suggestive themes, use of alcohol, violence)

screenshotThe first Tales of Xillia was low on gameplay but high on narrative, and this sequel is no different. You play as a new character named Ludger but the cast of the first game soon rejoins you as you're sucked into another epic journey. In some ways Tales of Xillia 2 feels more like a remake than a sequel. The anime visuals are well done and the English voice acting is exceptional, but about 90% of Xillia 2 seems ported directly from the first game! The towns, roads, and monsters you fight are pretty much the same. There are a few new locations but the vast majority are places you visited if you played the original game.

The real-time combat employs the same enjoyable fighting-game style. You've only got one character to control, and Ludger can switch between a pair of swords, dual pistols, and a giant hammer on the fly. The difficulty has been ramped up however, so bosses require more strategy and less button mashing. Some of the newer gameplay elements feel ill-conceived. Like a weird offshoot of Animal Crossing (GameCube, 2002), Ludger has to take out a huge loan from a bank early on and spend the rest of the game paying it off. Tales of Xillia 2 effectively holds you hostage - forcing you to complete side quests just to continue playing! This is exacerbated by the annoying hyperactive girl who constantly harasses you for money. Since payments can take over an hour to collect they make the game last twice as long as it should be.

Another change is the leveling up system, which has become so complicated I didn't know what I was doing. The packaging boasts how you have "the power of choice", yet the dialog choices don't seem to affect the game in any meaningful way. Once again it's the captivating story that holds the whole thing together. The developers might have been lazy with everything else, but I was hooked to the narrative from the very start. If you appreciate a good story then give Tales of Xillia 2 a try. Fans of the first game however should prepare themselves for a serious case of deja vu. © Copyright 2017 The Video Game Critic.

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Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13
Grade: F
Publisher: Electronic Arts (2012)
Posted: 2012/5/12
Rating: Everyone

screenshotPGA Tour is the latest exclusive license EA is running into the ground. Not only is Tiger Woods 13 slow and dull, it's marred by technical glitches and design oversights. I purchased this PS3 version mainly for its Move motion controller support. I've used Move controllers with other sports titles and found them to be far more precise than the Kinect or Wii. After a painfully long load process you're presented with the title screen prompting you to "Press Start", except the start button on the Move controller does not register. That means you need to activate a normal controller just to get started.

That might not seem so bad until you're in the middle of the third hole and the game suddenly freaks out because the normal controller has timed out. The Move controls are generally accurate, but there were times when my swing wouldn't register at all (guess you can't swing too hard). The career mode prompts you to complete a form before you get started which is about as fun as a trip to the DMV. Once you finally begin it becomes apparent that it takes longer to load a hole than to actually play the thing.

And there's no reason these holes should take so long considering the detail. The control scheme is needlessly confusing but once you get the hang of it the game isn't hard to play. Unfortunately there's something about the visuals that makes me feel nauseous after a while. Uninspired and sometimes sickening, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13 will make you want to play an older golf game instead. © Copyright 2012 The Video Game Critic.

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Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14
Grade: C
Publisher: Electronic Arts (2013)
Posted: 2020/4/5
Rating: Everyone

screenshotEA has a way of suffocating a perfectly good golf game with layers of garbage. Do I really need to log into their servers to enjoy a round of golf? Of course not. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14 purportedly supports the PS3 Move controllers but it's a waste of time. The Move tutorial is essentially broken, and even when the motion controls do work their reaction time is terribly delayed. For best results stick to a normal controller.

The career mode makes it easy to create a player if you go with the defaults. For the name I'd suggest the standard "Deez Nutz". The training isn't very helpful, thrusting you into some "Bingo Bango Bongo" game without explanation. I had to figure out the less-than-intuitive controls on my own. EA has come a long way since the old days of moving the right analog stick to swing. Now we use the left analog stick to swing. Problem is, that's the same stick used to preview your shot, so sometimes you accidentally swing when you really want to zoom.

I do like the easy-going swing motion and the solid smack of the ball being hit. The camera takes an overhead view of the ball in flight, which is exciting when you're trying to clear a sand trap or skirt the coastline. The interface is uncluttered, and once you get a feel for the controls you can go into a zenlike state. The difficulty is fair and you can save your progress at any hole. The pacing is acceptable provided you shut off the animations and auto-replays. Pleasant scenery includes the constant chirping of exotic birds. The commentators strike the right tone, the music is relaxing, and I like how the crowd groans when my approach shot rolls off of the green.

Unfortunately the career mode's sense of progression is confusing. I somehow permanently locked myself out of the US Open due to a poorly phrased prompt. And why is the Pebble Beach event called Web.com Tour Q-School? So EA could squeeze in another sponsor? Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14 is a surprisingly playable golf game despite EA's best efforts. © Copyright 2020 The Video Game Critic.

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Time Crisis 4
Grade: D+
Publisher: Bandai (2007)
Posted: 2008/3/1
Rating: Teen (violence)

screenshotAs a fan of the Time Crisis series since its inception (Playstation,1997), I am truly disappointed with this next-generation effort. The intro depicts a dam in a thick jungle, and I was licking my chops in anticipation of being plunged into some gorgeous tropical scenery. But instead Time Crisis 4 (TC4) begins in an airport - one of the most overused light-gun locations ever! Other uninspired places in the game include a dock, warehouse, cave, forest, and research facility.

Time Crisis has never been known for its cutting edge graphics, but the degree of detail here seems more on par with a PS2 game. The storyline is a real snore-fest, replete with two cocky, spiky-haired heroes spouting hackneyed dialogue like "Let's do this!" Like previous Time Crisis games, your character moves automatically as you shoot enemies that come out of the woodwork. Just take care not to shoot your partner in the back of his head - that's really inconsiderate.

I find it amusing how two or three terrorists will suddenly pop up right in your face, pausing just long enough for you to blow them away. Ducking for cover lets you avoid incoming projectiles, switch weapons, regain health, and automatically reload. The highlight of TC4 is a high-speed helicopter chase through a city. Not only is it a wild ride as you swerve between skyscrapers, but you fire a gatling gun non-stop at trucks and other helicopters, leaving massive devastation in your wake.

A Guncon 3 controller is included with the game, but it requires you to run two sensors along the top of your TV - a real pain in the ass if your PS3 is not close by (I had to use a USB extension cable). The gun's accuracy is decent, but it feels cheap with its wonky thumbsticks and poorly-labeled buttons. Time Crisis 4 would have been respectable had it stuck to the original recipe, but the developers had to get fancy. As a result, you'll spend an inordinate amount of time blasting swarms of "Terror Bite" beetles (a la The Mummy). Ugh! Who in their right mind came up with this stupid idea?!

In addition, certain stages force you to fight enemies on multiple fronts, aiming off-screen to "swing around". Not only are these sequences unresponsive control-wise, but they are just irritating and pointless. In addition to the standard arcade mode, there's a new story mode that plays like a first-person shooter (FPS) - from hell. Lacking both the raw thrills of a light-gun game and the fine control of a FPS, it's a complete disaster. Time Crisis 4 offers a two-player mode, but each player gets his own small screen, which is lame. I don't ask much from my light gun games, but Time Crisis 4 failed to meet even my modest expectations. © Copyright 2008 The Video Game Critic.

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Time Crisis: Razing Storm
Grade: C
Publisher: Namco (2010)
Posted: 2011/1/23
Rating: Teen

screenshotThe early Time Crisis games set the standard for light-gun shooting action, but the franchise has been in decline. This disk actually contains three individual games, making it quite a value (or so it would seem). You get Time Crisis: Razing Storm, the arcade mode of Time Crisis 4, and Deadstorm Pirates. Each requires a separate installation process, and they can chew up about 10 GB of space when all is said and done! I used my Guncon 3 light gun to play, but the new Move controllers are also supported.

The headliner, Time Crisis: Razing Storm, is pure adrenaline pumping action from start to finish. You and your squad have been dropped into an urban warzone in the Middle East where you're attacked by enemy soldiers backed up by some menacing mechanical monstrosities. The "Kraken" is an enormous metal octopus outfitted with missile launchers, and the "Raptors" look like something out of Robocop.

This game is a little crazy. Instead of watching enemies slowly filter in, the camera will swing around to reveal 20 terrorists in your face about to pull the trigger. The destruction quotient is off the charts, and it's often necessary to level nearby buildings in order to reveal hidden enemies. The machine gun is your primary weapon, and while you can spray bullets liberally, you'll want to give priority to the big red circles which indicate someone is about to fire. Like most light gun games, you're not in control of your movements, so you can just sit back and blast away. In addition to machine guns, the game will put other weapons in your hands at strategic moments, including a missile launcher, cluster gun, and sniper rifle.

Razing Storm offers solid arcade action but Namco managed to totally ruin it. First, there's the business of unlimited continues. Since you can't adjust these, there's no challenge. Playing for score would have been a viable option, but there are no local rankings, so your scores are not saved. You need to be on-line to access the bulk of the features, which is preposterous for a light gun title. The story mode lets you move freely instead of "on rails", but like the one in Time Crisis 4, it's an uncontrollable mess.

What saves the entire package is the inclusion of Deadstorm Pirates, which puts you in the role of a pirate at sea armed with magical golden pistols that fire like machine guns. It's like Pirates of the Caribbean meets Rambo! The exhilarating stages let you fight off skeletons boarding your ship, blast your way through caves stocked with gunpowder, careen down wild river rapids, and fight a Kraken in a whirlpool. The tropical scenery is gorgeous and the brisk pacing makes the game feel like a high-speed thrill ride. It's also the only game of the bunch to feature limited continues (not adjustable though) and local high scores.

Razing Storm is a hard package to grade. Each game is a first-rate shooter at its core, but Namco mishandled them badly by limiting your options and shamelessly forcing the on-line issue. Whether by laziness or incompetence, Namco really dropped the ball. © Copyright 2011 The Video Game Critic.

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Toy Story 3
Grade: C
Publisher: Disney (2010)
Posted: 2011/1/23
Rating: Everyone

screenshotToy Story 3 begins with one of the most exhilarating stages I've ever played in a video game. You view our hero Woody from behind as he rides a horse through a desert canyon. As you dodge boulders and jump over fences, flying saucers fire lasers from all sides and the ground crumbles below your feet. It's incredibly fun and the eye candy is off the charts!

That exciting sequence is followed by a high-speed train ride where you defeat aliens by throwing toy balls at them. It's top-notch entertainment while it lasts, but then you're dropped into a "toy box" mode which brings the momentum (and fun) to a screeching halt. For the first time in a Toy Story game, you have an "open world" you can customize to your heart's content. Big freakin' deal. This miniature western town has loads of characters to converse with, hidden secrets to unlock, and endless errands to run. It's easy to make progress, but there's no pay-off and it all feels like a pointless exercise.

After a while I realized I could select other stages from "world map", but none were very compelling. The cooperative stages are well designed but marred by erratic controls, like when you hit a button to release an army man from his parachute and it doesn't respond. The Buzz Lightyear shooting stage is an absolute mess as you fly through a windy canyon while blasting floating rocks. Constantly pressing the right trigger to fire is tiresome, and it's hard to judge your proximity to the walls.

Looking on the bright side, Toy Story 3's superb visuals are comparable to the films, and the cut-scenes are very humorous and worth watching. This is an uneven effort - the kind of game that gets you excited at the outset but fails to hold your attention for long. © Copyright 2011 The Video Game Critic.

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Grade: B+
Publisher: Touchstone (2007)
Posted: 2008/3/1
Rating: Mature (blood and gore, intense violence, language)

screenshotSince making a name for itself on the Nintendo 64 in 1997, the Turok series has long been in decline, but this new chapter may reinvigorate the franchise. The first-person shooting (FPS) action begins when Turok and his fellow space marines crash-land on a planet crawling with enemy troops and dinosaurs.

The jungle scenery would have been more impressive if I hadn't already played Halo 3 (Xbox 360, 2007), but the lush, organic setting is still pretty awesome. The high, rustling weeds offer plenty of places to hide, yet convey a paranoid feeling that you're being stalked. Turok must not only contend with soldiers who offer a tactical challenge, but dinosaurs who prefer to go for the throat. If you're lucky, dinosaurs will wreak havoc on an enemy camp, or better yet turn on each other.

Naturally, the T-Rex steals the show, and from the first glimpse, you know it's only a matter of time before you'll have to face him one-on-one. The dinosaur animation is completely convincing, and the texture of their skin is amazing. The first-person shooting action is typical, employing stealth attacks, sniping, grenades, and dual weapons. But instead of a health meter, your vitality is reflected by redness that creeps in from the edge of the screen as you take damage. Taking cover allows you to heal - a concept lifted straight from Halo (I won't even bring up the "spider tank". Whoops.)

Turok's primary weapon is his bow which reflects his American Indian heritage. The longer to pull back, the harder the shot, and it's really satisfying to pin a soldier against a crate! One glaring issue is the touchy aiming. The analog stick of the PS3 controller is sensitive enough as it is, but moving, firing a weapon, or taking a hit throws your aim way off. As a result, during intense firefights you just tend to spray bullets and hope for the best.

Turok deserves to be applauded for its violence and gore. The splattering of blood against walls is spectacular, and special knife attacks (presented in third-person view) are Mortal Kombat-worthy. The audio is also exceptional, with an adrenaline-pumping soundtrack and expertly recorded voiceovers. Turok is a linear game, but does a wonderful job of hiding it, as you never feel like you're being led around. An auto-save feature kicks in regularly, except in really hard areas, where it seems nowhere to be found! It's bad enough to replay long stretches, but reloading the last checkpoint is slow (thanks a lot Blu Ray!)

Turok's multiplayer mode supports up to 16 players on-line. It took a while for this game to grow on me, but my friends were crazy about Turok from the start. No doubt I'll be getting a lot of flak for not giving this game an A. I don't think it's quite as fun as Halo, but Turok is consistently intense and exciting, and shooter fans will have a hard time putting down their controller. © Copyright 2008 The Video Game Critic.

Twisted Metal
Grade: A+
Publisher: Sony (2012)
Posted: 2012/5/12
Rating: Mature 17+ (blood and gore, intense violence, strong language)

screenshotI've been on the Twisted Metal bandwagon since day one, so I know a good car-wrecker when I see it. The series was hugely popular on the original Playstation but the ill-conceived Twisted Metal Black (PS2, 2001) soured a lot of fans. All things considered, it was probably a good time for a reboot. I'm happy to report that this is everything Black should have been and much, much more. It retains the dark themes of Black but its arcade-style mayhem is more reminiscent of the original games. In fact, the classic controls are the same as the 1995 original.

Its sprawling, high-definition stages span the stormy suburbs, run-down industrial areas, and an amusement park complete with a haunted house. There's a snowy Christmas-themed city stage and a trap-laden arena that's constantly changing in configuration. You can race through the storefronts of many buildings, shattering windows and plowing through furniture. All your favorite vehicles are back and now you can even pilot a helicopter named Talon.

Twisted Metals's gameplay is finely tuned, and I love how you can load up on weapons. When you get an enemy in your sights, you can unleash hell by tapping the lower triggers. The ensuing chaos is dazzling, and I love the flying numbers to indicate damage. This, my friends, is some quality violence! You even get the old "special moves" like freeze and shield. The single-player story mode features computer enhanced live-action (!) scenes which are gory, disturbing, and a heck of a lot of fun to watch!

A wide variety of challenges include "battle races", "moving cage" battles, bosses, and endurance matches. You can even play co-op with a friend! A fully-configuration split-screen mode supports up to four players. There's the obligatory on-line mode and a challenge mode that lets a single player go up against an army of bots. The musical score is dead-on with appropriately abrasive tunes like "I Can't Drive 55", "Heavy Metal", "Dragula", and even "Straight Outta Compton". I can't get over how much fun this new Twisted Metal is. This is so good, I'm afraid they might not have to make another one! © Copyright 2012 The Video Game Critic.

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