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Playstation 4 Reviews H-L

Grade: C
Publisher: Supergiant Games (2021)
Posted: 2023/3/18
Rating: Teen

screenshotHades is a fast-action "rogue-like" dungeon crawler with a Greek mythology theme. As Zagreus, son of Hades, you're trying to escape, well, Hades. Moving from room to room you engage in frantic battles against converging demons, witches and big fat yellow genies. The subterranean chambers are exquisitely-detailed but your character is quite small. I think much of the detail of this game is getting lost in my 50" HDTV. This game makes me want to upgrade to an 85-inch 4K set.

There's no tutorial which is fine by me. By hitting buttons you'll quickly learn how to slash, shoot, and dart both into and away from danger. This is a very offensive-minded game. Each enemy has a health meter and it's fun to eradicate room after room of baddies. One really novel feature is how symbols not only indicate where enemies are about to spawn, but which direction they will be facing. Being a "step ahead" lets you formulate your strategy on the fly. Also cool is how the scenery will sustain heavy damage, adding to the chaos.

Hades boasts randomly-generated dungeons but they all start to look the same after a while. Some enemies are hard to make out, so I just lay into anything that moves. I tend to land a few hits, then dash away to avoid the reprisal or ensuing explosion. I rarely know the significance of items I pick up. Occasionally you're bestowned with some random power-up like "Curse of Pain: your special inflicts doom." Whatever - I'm just button-mashing here.

It's hard to pay attention to your life bar with all the on-screen activity, and sometimes I can't even tell I'm taking damage! Health is hard to come and before you know it, you're dead. Again. You then find yourself back at the Hades "front desk" where your father scolds you. Then it's back to the grind, repeating what seem to be the same rooms and monsters. New weapons tend to spice things up, including rapid-fire boxing gloves and a long-ranged spear.

What sets Hades apart is its brilliant cheeky dialog and hilariously droll voice acting. Likewise when the rock music kicks in during a battle you can feel the adrenaline. I played Hades a little each night for the better part of a month, and while I didn't dislike it, I began to feel as if I was on some kind of hellish treadmill. There may be a pot at the end of this rainbow, but this endurance test wore me out. © Copyright 2023 The Video Game Critic.

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
Grade: D
Publisher: Ninja Theory (2017)
Posted: 2021/11/30
Rating: Mature 17+ (blood and gore, intense violence, strong language)

screenshotHellblade begins with a primitive warrior girl paddling up a tributary lined with impaled bodies. She then enters a mysterious realm where she is subjected to various trials. Her name is Senua, and she is decked out in furs and facepaint, wielding a large sword. She does not speak, yet voices are constantly echoing through her head.

Hellblade is an amazing-looking game with striking views and lifelike character models. Senua's guarded movements are consistent with a girl sensing danger at every turn. The atmosphere is properly foreboding with swirling clouds, decrepit ruins, and creepy Blair Witch-style totems. The natural scenery looks spectacular, particularly the rain and water effects.

The British voices speaking in her head are intriguing at first, offering hints like "push it" or warnings like "she's going to die". In time however the cryptic dialog starts to feel downright pretentious. "Exile makes sense when you realize you were never really home in the first place". Okay, that's enough.

Hellblade's gameplay is a combination of puzzles and combat, neither of which are particularly fun. That said, the puzzles are clever, often requiring you to locate shapes in the environment or form a new shape by looking from a certain vantage point. Sometimes peering through magical arches will make a bridge appear or something like that. I guess it's cool but doesn't make much sense.

When suddenly thrust into a combat situation it comes as a shock, especially since no controls have been explained. Fear not, as they're all listed on the pause menu. You'll find yourself going up against big scary barbarians wearing animal skulls. You'll need to parry and slice them repeatedly before they finally go down, and what happens next? Three more appear. Rinse and repeat.

Hellblade: Sinua's Sacrifice will intrigue thoughtful, puzzle-minded gamers who can get caught up in a nebulous story. I guess I'm too much of a blunt instrument to truly appreciate something this abstract and artistic. I imagine if you stick with it long enough the game eventually begins to make sense, but I can only tolerate so many tedious puzzles and repetitive battles. © Copyright 2021 The Video Game Critic.

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I Saw Black Clouds
Grade: C
Publisher: Wales Interactive (2021)
Posted: 2022/9/23
Rating: Mature 17+ (blood, strong language, use of drugs, violence)

screenshotI've had a thing for full-motion video (FMV) games dating back to Night Trap (Sega CD, 1992). As an interactive psychological thriller, I Saw Black Clouds is downright terrifying. The first time through I could feel my hair stand on end and chills run down my spine. It contains elements of The Ring, Sixth Sense, and The Blair Witch Project. This is far better than some low-budget horror movie you stumble upon on Netflix.

Set in an old English town, the story revolves around an attractive twenty-something named Kristina investigating her friend's death. It begins with a funeral service which really sets the somber mood. True to the name, every scene looks bleak and overcast. Excellent cinematography, ominous music, alarming sounds, and fine acting all contribute to the forboding atmosphere.

As you watch scenes unfold choices are displayed on the screen. You have a few seconds to respond but the movie never pauses so it's all very seamless. Your choices can steer the story in various directions. This becomes clearer when you pause and view a stats screen showing graphs of your personality traits and relationships.

A full viewing runs about an hour and a half. The first time through I was captivated but confused. The final statistics revealed I had seen one of four endings and only 186 of the 569 scenes! This game was made to be played multiple times.

I had my wife give it a go and she had the exact same experience. Unfortunately she chose mostly the same choices, and the few times she did diverge it just led to a short detour. I was bummed to watch the same ending. The third time through I made a concerted effort to do the opposite, and was pleased to discover a lengthy new story arc. But while this helped flesh out the plot, I somehow found myself on the same track with the same lousy ending.

I Saw Black Clouds is thrilling at first, but the movie has a repetitive quality and it's not clear you're exerting much influence. When given the choice to explore or leave a room, I noticed even if I chose to leave she would simply pause for a second and then explore anyway. I'd love to see the other endings but frankly I've grown a little weary of this, so maybe next year. © Copyright 2022 The Video Game Critic.

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Injustice 2
Grade: B
Publisher: Warner Bros. (2017)
Posted: 2020/5/7
Rating: Teen (blood, language, suggestive themes, alcohol reference, violence)

screenshotI was expecting this to be the latest Mortal Kombat engine with DC characters, and I wasn't wrong. Injustice 2 is a pretty amazing one-on-one fighter with lifelike graphics and awesome moves. There are 28 heroes and villains available right off the bat, including many I didn't even recognize. Who in the heck are Firestorm, Blue Beetle, Dr. Fate, and Captain Cold? Batman is wearing a suit of armor and Robin looks like the guy from Assassin's Creed. Harley Quinn bears more than a passing resemblance to Margot Robbie (good) and Poison Ivy is to die for. Some of the villains are downright scary, like Scarecrow, Swamp Thing, and especially Gorilla Grod. They must have motion captured a real gorilla for Grod, because he is frightening to behold.

The stages include Altantis, the Batcave, and a rundown Gotham City, but these are lacking in interesting details. I prefer the dark, creepy locations that exude atmosphere like Arkham Asylum, the swamp, and the haunted amusement park. The tutorial walks you through all aspects of the game and I love the option to skip a lesson if you get stuck. Expect combat that's big in juggling and combos. The environmental interaction moves are entertaining but I rarely know when I'm in position to trigger one. The "super moves" are so over the top it's comical. Flash actually transports his foe back in time to bash him against a dinosaur! Now that's just disrespectful!

The story mode begins with an alarming scene of Supergirl escaping Krypton with terrifying Terminator-style robots in pursuit. It's broken into chapters by character, giving you the chance to get familiar with each. Apparently Harley Quinn is now good and Superman is bad. Go figure! The subject matter is surprisingly adult in nature; I'm actually surprised this landed a teen rating. There is actual profanity and during one scene Robin slashes a guy's throat! In another Green Lantern tells Dr. Fate he needs to get laid! This isn't the Superfriends cartoon I grew up with!

Besides the story mode there's a weird "multiverse" mode which is basically a mission mode. You'll earn points, credits, and crystals, but to what end? Apparently the answer is character customization. Billionaire pants? Divine belts? Lunatic tights? I'll pass, but I guess in this Fortnite era people dig that stuff. Call me old fashioned, but I would have preferred an arcade mode to gauge my progression. Injustice 2 is one heck of a fighter but its emphasis on customization just didn't appeal to me. © Copyright 2020 The Video Game Critic.

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Jurassic World: Evolution
Grade: F
Publisher: Frontier (2018)
Posted: 2022/6/5
Rating: Teen

screenshotI enjoyed Jurassic Park Operation Genesis (Xbox, 2003) just fine, so what the hell?! Jurassic World: Evolution has the most intriguing premise and all this cutting-edge technology, so why does it feel like homework? Right from the start I had issues simply providing power to my buildings. This feels like one of those PC games ported to consoles. PC gamers are willing to put up with a lot of crap, like bad user interfaces, microscopic icons, hazy objectives, and steep learning curves.

Evolution attempts to hold your hand at first by severely limiting your options. The problem is, if you get stuck it's all the more frustrating because you can't do something as simple as selecting a building or perusing a menu. When a game pisses me off within the first five minutes, I don't forgive and forget.

Once you gain a little traction you'll be sending out excavating teams around the world to dig for fossils. Using these findings you can perform various research and incubate dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are born as adults, and it's fun to watch them released into their enclosures for the first time. They look so lifelike and it's interesting to see how they interact with their surroundings.

Jeff Goldblum is the highlight of the entire game, lending his voice as Ian Malcolm, throwing out occasional words of wisdom. In terms of graphics, I love the manner in which the buildings are constructed in a time-lapse manner, with layers of scaffolding rapidly going up before being torn down a few seconds later.

It's very easy to deplete all your cash in this game. I don't even know how much money I have at a given time. Maybe it's buried in that spreadsheet screen? While trying to carry out basic objectives I'd suddenly find myself stuck because "unlock conditions not met" or "need to research". Are you telling me I need to research how to sell apparel at the freaking gift shop? In the words of Dr. Ian Malcolm "that is one big pile of sh*t".

One time I created a new power station and couldn't figure out why it wasn't functional. A few minutes later I discovered it because I forgot to pave a sidewalk to its front door. Apparently no one can enter a building unless it has a walkway. Another time I created a fast food restaurant which had no power despite being literally surrounded by power stations and criss-crossing power-lines. WTF?!

It's never a good sign when you need to rely on YouTube videos to make progress in a game. Jurassic World Evolution makes it easy to do hard stuff and hard to do easy stuff. I'm sure there are persistent gamers out there who managed to create a thriving park from this game. But they were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should. © Copyright 2022 The Video Game Critic.

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Killzone: Shadow Fall
Grade: D
Publisher: Sony (2013)
Posted: 2013/12/10
Rating: Mature 17+ (blood, intense violence, strong language)

screenshotAs the obligatory first-person shooter for the new Playstation 4, Killzone: Shadow Fall barely registers on the fun meter. It's so by-the-numbers that you'd be forgiven for mistaking this for a PS3 game. Its most notable feature is its amazing skylines. The opening stage takes place at night, and looking down the side of one of these gigantic skyscrapers will give you a case of vertigo. The ability to see far into the distance makes the game feel epic in scale. The rainy industrial locations are Blade Runner-inspired, but a heck of a lot less interesting (and that rain looks really fake by the way).

The gameplay itself might just give you an industrial-sized headache. The shootouts are okay but the AI is suspect. Sometimes it looks like enemies are lining up to make it easier for you to mow them down. The puzzle aspects of the game absolutely stink, and the stages that take place in outer space are the worst offenders. The only thing worse than first-person platform jumping is... check that, there is nothing worse!

The control scheme is counter-intuitive, and since there are no instructions, you'll have to learn the hard way. I hate how it's not obvious whether you're in a crouch position. One nifty feature is the ability to control a flying drone you can direct to attack enemies, hack computers, create ziplines, and even revive you. Unfortunately changing its "modes" via the touch pad feels both clumsy and contrived. I like the crisp sound of the audio logs emanating through your controller's speaker, but why are the rest of the voices in this game so faint and muffled?

Pressing up on the digital pad highlights your destination, but the light orange marker is hard to see and goes away after a few seconds. The developers apparently thought that since the game was in HD it was okay to use a tiny 3-point font, but I can't read that! Killzone has a few thrills (like hanging off an aircraft as it flies over the city) but most of the time I felt like I was slogging through morass. Advanced enemies have shields surrounding their entire bodies, and you'll need to deal with annoying swarming spider droids. The stages are long and there's no indication of your progress being saved. The boring melodrama between missions is apparently meant to mask the load times. I can only recommend Killzone: Shadow Fall to die-hard fans of the series, and even they might want to think twice. © Copyright 2013 The Video Game Critic.

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King of Fighters XIV
Grade: C
Publisher: Atlus (2016)
Posted: 2016/10/10
Rating: Teen (language, suggestive themes, use of alcohol and tobacco, violence)

screenshotAs a longtime fan of this franchise which dates all the way back to King of Fighters 94 (Neo Geo, 1994), I have mixed feelings about King of Fighters XIV (KOF14). The game contains 50 fighters spanning the entire lifespan of the series including old standbys like Terry Bogard, Joe Higashi, Geese Howard, and Mia Shirinu. Others of note include a hooded guy who turns into sand, a girl with an attack bird, a mega-hot latina, and some big dude dressed up like a dinosaur! Frankly there are so many characters it's hard to tell who's new. I like how they speak in Japanese, adding credibility somehow.

The artistic stages incorporate the Shanghai skyline at night, an aquarium, truckstop, stadium, cathedral, and rainy temple. Sadly, the scenery appears boring and flat, lacking the subtle details and clever animations that add personality. In the tradition of the King of Fighters each bout is a 3-on-3 matchup. The fighting action is solid but unspectacular, and for best results you'll want a joystick controller. The tutorial walks you through all the elements of the game, but by the time it reaches advanced techniques like "climax super SP moves" it starts to wear thin. Maybe it's time for the series to knock the complexity down a notch. Whenever I pick up this game I feel like I need a damn refresher course, and naturally there's no manual.

KOF14 has full support for online play but thankfully it still caters to the offline experience with single-player modes like story, trial, versus, time attack, and survival. It saves all your best times and scores locally along with statistics on character usage. What's missing is a proper arcade mode - a quick challenge without a major time investment. The story mode can serve this purpose, but only if you crank up the CPU difficulty because the default skill level is ridiculously easy.

A second problem is how the game overscans my plasma TV screen, making it hard to read character names that are cut off. There are actually display options for adjusting various HUD elements but none that could fix my problem. In general the icons and text are awfully tiny, making it hard to read the command lists. The load times are reasonable but couldn't they keep up the "character versus" art up while loading instead of having the screen go black? King of Fighters XIV is a full-featured fighter with a rich heritage but this latest edition is hard to get excited about. © Copyright 2016 The Video Game Critic.

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King of Fighters XV
Grade: C-
Publisher: SNK (2022)
Posted: 2022/5/11
Rating: Teen

screenshotI've collected every entry in this series which dates all the way back to King of Fighters 94 (Neo Geo, 1994). I haven't been thrilled with its increasing focus on online play but I get it - that's where the money is. At least King of Fighters XV is upfront about it, clearly marking the bulk of the modes as "online". I should have known from the extensive privacy policy I had to "agree to" before the game even started.

Offline gamers are limited to versus, story, and mission modes. Whatever happened to a good old-fashioned arcade mode? The story mode keeps score but doesn't save it. Heck, you can't even view your local profile unless you go online. But of course the game provides easy access to the Playstation store.

It's a shame because the core fighting engine is pretty awesome, with ample variety, crisp controls, and bone-crunching hits. From the moment I started playing I was impressed how effortlessly you could pull off specials. I was thinking I'd need a joystick but that sweet PS4 digital pad is perfect for thumb-rolling maneuvers. I did notice more "hocus pocus" moves than usual, straying from the spirit of the original King of Fighter games.

I like the visual style of the characters, who look semi-realistic but highly stylized. Of the newcomers, Shui El is a Japanese street punk and Isla is a lady who fights with magic floating hands. Kukri has a creepy grim reaper thing happening, and the tall, shapely Luong may be the hottest chick I've ever seen in a video game. Unfortunately, former beauty queen Mai Shiranui might be mistaken for pregnant.

The stages lack vitality. The rainy town and the Chinese garden are picturesque, but the rock concert venue and colosseum feel played out. The tiki bar and beach resort areas lack personality and amusing details. I do like how some of the music incorporates vocals.

The story mode is a complete bust thanks to a combination of low difficulty and unwatchable cut-scenes. The ultimate boss is a "demi-god" who's surprisingly susceptible to repeated kicks to the shin. The multiple endings are a weird hodgepodge of disjointed fan service. From the time you beat the final boss and the end of the credits feels like an eternity.

King of Fighters XV is fine for playing head-to-head against a friend or online. If that's not your thing you're in for some slim pickings. Maybe it's finally time for SNK to drop the pretense and just make the next King of Fighters an online service. King of Fighters Infinity or whatever. © Copyright 2022 The Video Game Critic.

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Grade: B
Publisher: Sony (2013)
Posted: 2013/12/10
Rating: Everyone 10+ (fantasy violence)

screenshotSome critics have knocked Knack for being a conventional platformer - like that's such a bad thing! I guess all the "me too" first-person shooters get a free pass. The truth is, every new system needs an accessible, family-friendly game like Knack.

The main character is a bunch of artifacts magically held together to form a robot-like being. Unlike most platform heroes, Knack isn't particularly cute. In fact, he's kind of ugly! Still, it's fun to make him smack-down robots, causing them to short-circuit and explode. The basic gameplay boils down to platform jumping and combat. You'll also want to dodge traps and keep an eye out for hidden goodies.

Whenever you confront a new set of foes, it's best to strike quickly, as you can usually take several out before they even have a chance to react. It's satisfying to knock armor off enemies as you wear them down. Collecting yellow crystals fills a meter that lets you execute special moves, and I love the "clink" sounds that play through your controller's speaker as you pick up the crystals.

The special moves are a blast. One lets you shake the ground, another unleashes missiles, and a third transforms you into a little tornado. Knack packs a wallop, and his finishing punches are slowed down for dramatic effect. As he accumulates more artifacts, Knack grows in size, allowing you to inflict even more carnage.

This style of game doesn't call for spectacular graphics, so don't expect any. The story and dialogue are nothing to write home about either. Even so, Knack was easily my favorite launch PS4 title of both myself and my friends. Not because it's innovative or technically advanced, but because it's consistently entertaining and just plain fun. That still matters to some people! © Copyright 2013 The Video Game Critic.

Grade: F
Publisher: Rising Star Games (2015)
Posted: 2017/8/19
Rating: Everyone 10+

screenshotThe Kromaia box describes the game as "Bullet Hell blasting entered the next dimension!" Really? This bears no resemblance to any "bullet hell" title I've ever played. There's only one category Kromaia falls into, and that would be "low budget".

The game offers a behind-the-ship perspective as you navigate a disorienting universe of random geometric shapes. If the designers were going for a style similar to Rez (Dreamcast, 2001) they missed the mark. Dual-stick controls let you maneuver and strafe, with the triggers unleashing rapid-fire shots. You begin by flying through a maze of black and white boxes. What the hell is going on?

Apparently each level is some kind of space obstacle course with orbs to collect. The clean lines and vivid colors look sharp but the monochromatic graphics make enemies blend in. I didn't even realize I was taking damage until I was told my shield was gone. You can fire away to your heart's content but the visuals are so abstract you can't tell if you're hitting anything. Arrows surrounding your ship point you to your next "objective", but they're hard to discern when you're flying directly into the screen.

Even when headed in the right direction it's never clear what the [expletive] you're supposed to do. This game makes no sense. Occasionally I'll see a "code accepted" message when all I'm doing is firing like a madman. Kromaia makes you feel like you're stuck in a never-ending tutorial, waiting for the real game that never arrives. © Copyright 2017 The Video Game Critic.

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Late Shift
Grade: C
Publisher: Wales Interactive (2017)
Posted: 2020/8/7
Rating: Mature 17+ (blood, strong language, violence)

screenshotWhen full-motion video (FMV) games hit the scene in the early 90s they were hampered by grainy video and clunky controls. The idea was to let the player interact with real video footage to varying degrees. The genre quickly came and went but has recently experienced a minor resurgence. This new breed of FMV is slick. If Late Shift were a movie it would rival anything you'd find on Netflix with its excellent direction, moody cinematography, and superb acting. The scenes featuring expensive sports cars and pumping music look like something from a Fast and Furious movie.

The game takes about an hour to play. Its story revolves around a young Mick Jagger-looking parking attendant who inadvertently gets roped into an elaborate heist scheme. Most of the story takes place in London at night and I love its after-hours vibe. The plot is a tangled web between a pack of criminals, an Asian crime syndicate, and a mysterious art collector. The action is pretty intense but the fact that everybody is fighting over what looks like a cheap little bowl is a kind of hard to swallow.

User interaction is practically seamless as every few minutes or so you're prompted to make a decision with just a few seconds to respond. It's not always clear if your choices are having an impact. You might select "run away" only to have the bad guy chase you down anyway. After playing a few times I noticed certain pivotal scenes always occur, so while there are different ways to get from point A to B, you always end up in the same place.

Towards the end however your decisions might lead to an abrupt ending. The fact that I played through this four times in one week is a testament to its quality. Each time a bit more of the story was revealed. The bad news is, I only discovered two of seven possible endings and neither was particularly satisfying. As a movie Late Shift can hang with the best of them but its trial-and-error gameplay left me a little cold. © Copyright 2020 The Video Game Critic.

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Layers of Fear (Guest reviewer DaHeckIzDat)
Grade: F
Publisher: Aspyr (2016)
Posted: 2024/9/11
Rating: Mature 17+ (blood and gore, partial nudity, strong language, violent references)

screenshotThe most disappointing games aren't the ones you can see coming a mile away. They're the ones with the potential for greatness, the ones that get your hopes up only to fall flat on their faces.

Layers of Fear is exactly that. This indie horror title has you playing the role of a struggling artist being slowly driven insane by horrible things happening to his family. Or maybe they've already happened, and are just memories? Right there is Layers of Fear's biggest problem: it has a story to tell, but you're not a part of it.

Layers is part of a genre that has been uncharitably dubbed a "walking simulator". Your interaction with the game is limited to moving through various setpieces in order to be told a story. There are no enemies, no puzzles, just walking.

The gameplay, what little there is, consists of guiding the artist through rooms in his Victorian mansion. The mansion is a real nightmarescape, with doors rarely leading to the same place twice. As you progress you'll uncover more and more reasons why the artist went insane and the gruesome fate of his family. The graphics are superb, and combined with the creepy audio creates the perfect haunted house atmosphere. The ingredients for an amazing horror game are all here but never get used.

It all comes down to the lack of actual gameplay. Without enemies to pose a threat, I had nothing to be afraid of. I knew that anything "scary" that unfolded was purely window dressing that wouldn't hinder me reaching the end of the game. I can only think of two instances where I actually had to do something in order to progress, but the solutions were so obvious they didn't even deserve to be called puzzles.

Layers of Fear is a short game, which is good because I don't think I would have had the patience to finish it otherwise. More than anything, I think it serves as a warning to game developers: using games as an art form or a way to tell a story is all well and good, but there still needs to be a game in there somewhere! Otherwise the player may as well watch a movie. © Copyright 2024 The Video Game Critic.

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Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel, The (Guest reviewer DaHeckIzDat)
Grade: C
Publisher: XSeed Games (2019)
Posted: 2023/5/16
Rating: Teen (blood, language, suggestive themes, violence)

screenshotI've come to accept I'm a bit of a weirdo when it comes to game preferences, particularly in terms of storytelling. While most people play video games to, well, play the game, some of my all-time favorites are those that aren't afraid to put the gameplay on pause for extended periods of time to spin an engrossing tale. And while not everyone has the same appreciation, few will argue that a well-told narrative can only improve any game experience.

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel fits into this category. You play as a teenage boy named Rean who has just enrolled at Thors Military Academy. Over the course of the 70-hour campaign Rean will learn about the rich culture and history of the techno-magical nation he calls home. He'll befriend classmates and become embroiled in a civil war between two factions. Romance, mystery, and betrayal abound for a damn good time.

Trails of Cold Steel doesn't push the PS4 hardware and could probably run without much difficulty on a PS2. The anime-esque character models exude a lighthearted charm that would have been ruined if they were more realistic. I was pleasantly surprised by how well the combat works. Battles are turn based and take place in 3D arenas, with your party members moving around its confines. Like Chrono Trigger (SNES, 1995) you have to strategize not only which move to use, but where that move will place you afterward. Several attacks allow you to hit multiple enemies if you play your cards right.

When not on missions you'll run around [the school] doing errands for the student council. While that doesn't sound very exciting, they give you the chance to interact with quirky characters that make you feel as if you're actually living in this fictional world. The occasional field trip gives you a broader view of your country and the overarching conflict playing out in the background. The tension is palpable as you watch your country inch closer to all-out war with itself, until it finally hits the fan in an explosive finale.

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel is tricky to recommend because your enjoyment is largely a function of how much value you place in the narrative. While the gameplay is perfectly functional it doesn't offer anything new or exciting, so the story is going to be the main emphasis. If you enjoy letting yourself get completely absorbed in a good story, then you owe it to yourself to experience Legend of Heroes. If you get antsy at the thought of a cutscene running more than a couple minutes, you may want to pass it up. © Copyright 2023 The Video Game Critic.

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Lego Jurassic World
Grade: D+
Publisher: Warner Bros. (2015)
Posted: 2016/7/20
Rating: Everyone 10+ (cartoon violence, crude humor)

screenshotI thought I had had my fill of Lego games, which are all pretty much the same, but my unbridled love for anything Jurassic Park forced me to buy this. Lego Jurassic World covers all four movies for crying out loud! Its simplistic graphics are to be expected, but the loose collision detection and awkward camerawork beg the question: are they still reusing the original PS2 Lego engine?

Each stage allows you to toggle between multiple characters, and sometimes it feels like there's too many cooks in the kitchen. Each character brings a different ability to the table like using a gun, climbing, fixing stuff, or performing acrobatics. In some cases these abilities make sense, but too often the who-can-do-what seems terribly arbitrary (only this kid can build this, only this guy can turn this lever, etc). Sometimes an action can only be undertaken by a character you haven't even unlocked yet (and never will). Sometimes you get to control the dinosaurs.

Bashing scenery releases tons of cogs to collect, but I'm about ten years past the point of caring about those. Parts lying around can be assembled into bridges, ladders, and giant catapults by holding the O button. The O button is used for so many things it's ridiculous: digging, building, interacting, picking up stuff, employing special abilities, and more.

The controls seem poorly thought out. Why would a raptor need an aiming reticule? As you might imagine, the confusion is magnified with two players. The unskippable cut-scenes are mildly-entertaining at best, and even the save system is suspect. If there's an autosave, what's the point of manual save points?

I encountered one spectacular glitch that literally launched my raptor into the stratosphere! I watched in surreal amazement as he floated back down to his virtual world. I would complain about that if it wasn't so awesome. Despite its glaring flaws I don't hate Lego Jurassic World. I like how it recreates the movie storylines and there's always something new to do and see. Little kids will probably spend countless hours collecting all the cogs and hidden items. Best of all, that snooty brunette assistant gets eaten in this game too. © Copyright 2016 The Video Game Critic.

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Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Grade: C-
Publisher: Square Enix (2017)
Posted: 2019/12/18
Rating: Mature 17+ (blood, sexual themes, violence, drugs and alcohol)

screenshotThough more of an interactive novel than a game, I found the original Life is Strange: Complete Season (Square Enix, 2015) compelling thanks to its gripping storyline, cinematic style, and introspective soundtrack. This prequel feels a whole lot less apocalyptic - call it Life is Strange Lite.

Before the Storm is broken up into chapters with realistic dialog, believable characters, and dramatic twists. You are Chloe Price, an angsty teen who smokes joints, drinks alcohol, and swears like a sailor. The game begins with Chloe sneaking into a concert venue and getting involved in an altercation. During each scene you can navigate and interact with your environment to a limited extent. There's no way to "lose" per se but your choices can affect the story.

The time-travel mechanic of the first game has thankfully been axed in favor of mildly-amusing "talk back" challenges. The game often makes you feel like you're just along for the ride, and some of the extended scenes feel like they belong in a director's cut. Still, there's enough clever dialog and emotionally-charged moments to keep you engaged. At one point Chloe's friend Rachel inadvertently starts a massive forest fire, which is downright alarming considering it takes place in Oregon. The mellow soundtrack is superior to that of the original game, and it really pulls on the emotional heartstrings, with "Bros" being a standout track.

Unfortunately Before the Storm tends to be quite buggy, beginning with the installation process. And while the story would seem to be building up to something momentous, it wraps up in a hurry, as if the developers were told they had to ship tomorrow. Before the Storm is a fine companion piece to the first game, but it struck me as a killer soundtrack looking for a game to go with it. Note: The Collector's Edition includes all three episodes on disc, an art book, and the soundtrack CD. © Copyright 2019 The Video Game Critic.

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Life is Strange: Complete Season
Grade: C
Publisher: Square Enix (2015)
Posted: 2018/11/20
Rating: Mature (blood, intense violence, sexual themes, strong language, use of drugs and alcohol)

screenshotLife Is Strange is an interactive story in the tradition of Heavy Rain (PS3, 2010) with gorgeous northwestern scenery reminiscent of Alan Wake (Xbox 360, 2010). Cinematic camera angles, dramatic plot twists, and realistic dialog combine for a surprisingly emotional journey. Originally available as downloadable episodes, Life is Strange is five chapters long, each running several hours. The game begins with typical dormitory drama but quickly ramps to more serious matters regarding guns, drugs, and suicide.

You play the role of Max Caulfield, a female student with a passion for photography attending an Oregon art school. After reconnecting with her rebellious friend Chloe the two set out to investigate the case of a missing girl. While in class Max comes to realize she has the ability to manipulate time, letting her to undo events and bad decisions. At first she uses her power for trivial matters like undoing spills, but eventually her choices take on life or death implications.

The mechanism used to rewind time is very clumsy and confusing, and frankly doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Still, it's interesting to watch the drama unfold, partly due to the unflinching dialog delivered by some very passionate voice actors. Surroundings are rich with detail, and the ease with which you can highlight and examine items makes it fun to snoop around.

The character models boast subtle facial expressions but their hair is noticeably chunky. I expect better on the PS4. An excellent soundtrack provides earthy, bohemian tunes like you'd expect to hear in a college environment. At various times Life is Strange is slow, compelling, tedious, funny, and heartwarming. Surprise plot twists will leave you in complete shock, if not in tears.

Life Is Strange may be an artistic masterpiece but it's less successful as a game. I'm not convinced my moral decisions had much effect. I noticed the game would not allow me to rewind certain scenes, yet forced me to rewind others. The final sequence is annoying and over-the-top. Life is Strange isn't for everyone but if you're the kind of person who likes to curl up with a good novel it will deliver a thoughtful experience that will stay with you. © Copyright 2018 The Video Game Critic.

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Little Nightmares
Grade: D
Publisher: Bandai Namco (2017)
Posted: 2018/10/15
Rating: Teen (blood, violence)

screenshotLittle Nightmares places you in the role of a helpless, scrawny kid trapped in a series of harrowing dungeons where you sneak around, solve puzzles, and navigate platforms. The dank scenery is strewn with chains, boilers, old furniture, scurrying rats, and... hanging bodies? Whoa - this is not a kid's game. You'll contend with tilting floors, trap doors, electrified bars, and scurrying gremlins. Shadowy images and jarring noises add to the unsettling atmosphere. The controls feel soft and smooth as you effortlessly climb chains and metal grates. You can also run, hop, duck, grab, and light matches to guide the way.

Despite its artistic merit the game is not the most pleasant experience. The puzzles are thoughtfully designed but the dark scenery and limited camera angles are disconcerting. The controls for grabbing tend to let you down at the most inopportune times. Between deaths you're subjected to torturously long load screens. WTF? Is it reloading the entire game?!

Despite the box label claim of "complete edition" I found myself hopelessly stuck (embedded in scenery) after less than five minutes of play. The game has some frightening moments but the stealth and timed sequences are more stressful than fun. I didn't want to play this for more than a few minutes at a time. Little Nightmares tries to tap into something primal but revisiting your darkest childhood fears is pretty much as fun as it sounds. Which is to say not much! © Copyright 2018 The Video Game Critic.

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